Saturday, April 30, 2005
Land of the Dead
This Film is Not Yet Rated

Hm, seems like I just post one-liners anymore. Ought to fix that. Just... Not now.'s more horrible then I thought.
If you didn't go see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the last few hours...YOU ARE WRONG. Again.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Only mostly fuck't.
It was requested of me that I post again when the booze ran out.
Didn't take long as I've no job with which to procure fundage to buy sweet nectar of numbingness.

I was gonna post The Tome of Bitching and Whining, but I think I'll spare y'all from such things. That is only to be used on the most vile of villains.
But yeah...considreing selling my body...or maybe just my soul to make rent, as my search for pirate gold has resulted in, thus far, a 1973 quarter and a few colourful pebbles.
Thankfully, Ramen noodles are on sale for thirteen cents a packet.
An interesting piece of Web Zen
I guess they couldn't fit all of this on a billboard.

Personally, I would like to see this on one of those billboards:

Hey, don't blame me! I didn't vote for Bush!
--God (aka The AlmiggityMizziggity)

Need a job? Talk to Buddha.

Brickbob Gaybash! Wielding the 2x4 of Justice!
I knew it was illegal. I did it anyway. I'm a fucking criminal, man!
I'm feeling very asshole-ariffic today. I was already in a sour mood and I come in this morning to find that my assistant is not here and will not be here all morning. Why? Because her ex-roommate's son is in the hospital. Why does that require her to not be here? Probably because she's really just hungover and doesn't want to come in--the worthless bitch!

For the unlucky few who were not at the bar with us last night, I haven't been getting along with my assistant lately. She refuses to do what I tell her to and when I finally decided to get tough with her she stopped talking to me. She is a worthless, lazy, drug-addicted skank and I'm seriously considering recommending her termination to my manager. I'm not sure that would do me much good though, because the only reason she got the job in the first place is because her mom and her sister both work here and they know my manager fairly well.

My manager didn't realize that, while her mother and sister are bright, educated, productive members of society, Stefanie is none of the above. Her sister got all the good genetic material, Stef got all the leftovers.

And if that isn't enough to piss me off, then I find out that Jack Osbourne is a Muay Thai Boxer.

That's right, that pudgy, afro-having, alcoholic son of Ozzy's had his first professional Muay Thai match. He fought a veteran professional Muay Thai boxer from Thailand...and won! In fact, he knocked the guy out in the first eight seconds of the second round!

A veteran! And Jack-ass has only been training for THREE WEEKS! I heard on the radio that he's been training at some really prestigious Muay Thai school in Thailand, but still, it's fucking Jack Osbourne!!! Didn't he just get out of rehab?

The guy on the radio mentioned that the training involves "colonic irrigations" which I guess means he gets a garden hose shoved up his ass and turned on high. How that benefits his abilities as a Muay Thai fighter, I have no idea. I would guess it just pisses him off bad enough to beat the shit out of someone.

Whatever he did, it must have worked, because the guy he beat is no pushover. I guess his nickname is "The Man." And I just can't fucking believe it. I'm hoping there is some detail that the media is leaving out. Like "The Man" is actually a woman who got nicknamed "the man" because she looks like a guy. Or maybe "The Man" is a ten-year-old boy, or he only has one leg or something that makes sense! Cause Jack Osbourne, that pudgy little English bitch, beating down a professional Thai boxer, does not make fucking sense!

Good news for Ryan though: I might have been wrong last night. When you said you thought that you'll be in as good as shape as me in a month, and I basically laughed at you for being hopelessly optimisitc; I might have been wrong. There might be hope after all. But you're going to have to start sticking a garden hose up your ass.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of rectal breeching; Tim, are we meeting for lunch today?

Wes, sorry, but I don't think anyone is coming to Grinnell this weekend. They are all selfish, Cake-loving bastards who bailed when they found out there would be no cake for them. But I want you to know that I still love you and there might be a bottle of Gold Label in your near future. So cheer up. When are you done with school, anyway?

Last night I was wearing a trucker cap that said "Jesus" on it and I was getting a lot of weird looks from the barfolk. So I was wondering what kind of looks that hat might get in a gay bar. Which led me on an internet search last night to find a hat or t-shirt that said something like, "I'm Catholic and I hate fags." Cause, you know, that would be some funny shit.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
So tell me...
What does one do when one finds that their significant other of 3.5 years has been cheating on them?
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
But this one time: I ate boiled peanuts.
You can tell the intellegence of a person when they IM you. Case in point: heres a typical conversation I have with Britt about 3 times a week:

Britt (usually a long song lyric way out of context) says:
Hey dave how is denver I just put a hole watermelon in my mouth when are you coming back to iowa how is school I can hardly breath this watermelon is to much
DaveO: ...yeah.
Britt: Fine fuck you i dont want to talk to you anymore did you hear about the latest fad Im doing it now it is to fun LOL!!!!!!!11111 what s ur website
DaveO: the same as they have always been. i tell you every damn time you im me
Britt: I have the mental capacity of a mason jar what are your sites bitch
DaveO: ...yeah. theyre on your history
Britt: their on youre grandmas history i love amish grandma jokes they were the coolest thing 3 years ago but now i am catching up too it. when are you coming back to iowa i delete my history becose of porn i touch myself at work
DaveO: ...ok. well i got to go to class. latas (sometimes I lie so I dont get the bad thoughts of putting a gun in my/someone's mouth)
Britt: peace out my brother from another mother

Its not that I hate Britt. Its just that its the same conversation every time. I made an airship in 3dmax...I should try to put that online somewhere. Oh, and a Jesus adventure is in the works again.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Only mostly dead.
Some updatiness for those who wish to be updated.
(Previously, in Mel's Updates...) Moved to new-ish place that's gimongous. Still in Montrose, CO..

(New shite)
Imported a new roomie who we will call "Jimmy" ('cause that's his name.) More Irish than (I kid you not) Goathead. Only with few shenannigans (sp?) to his name, and more debauchery. Decent sort. About 20 years of age. Engaged to wed a 16 year-old goth/punk we will call "Smurf" ('cause it's not her name.)
Interesting sort. May as well be a roommate as she's over daily. She makes funny noises in "Jimmy's" room...usually only when "Jimmy's" there, however.
Met "Jimmy's" friend, Chris. Who, for all intents and purposes, will now be known as "Nick, but Taller."

It's fuckin' aaaaam...fuckin' eerie how closly he resembles our now-distant aqaintance in both speech and action.

Roomie "Fukknut" had a heart-attack. His second in his 28 years of life. I think I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't so annoying. As it is, he can't work for a while and the rest of us have to help his "I can't get my own coffee, I can only play X-Box" ass out.

I myself have disengaged from Blockbuster Inc., as my boss was a minature dumbfuck. "Dumbfuck" being, of course, the nicest possible term I could find for her. "Miniature" meaning she was 4'8". In truth, she was a back-stabbing bimbo who, I think, had the hots for yours truley (I must stress that this was both disturbing and repulsive to me as a) I'm straight, b) I dig men, c) I'm partial to natural dick, as opposed to artificial and d) she's ass-ugly.
But that's not the reason I quit. I can tolerate my boss having a crush as long as everything else is Kosher. It wasn't.
In short, I was lied to repeatedly, lied about repeatedly, and generally treated like shit.
So I quit. (Hey, that rhymed.)

Got a job at a glass-etching place. Fun-fun, right?
Not right. My duties consisted of a) Putting masking tape on things and 2)occasionlly taking masking tape off of things.
Beginning of the second week, my boss calls me (at 6:30 a.m.) and tells me not to bother coming in anymore...things "just weren't working out."
The phrase in quotation being the only reason they gave me for letting me go.

So...that's what's up here-abouts.
Just wanted you to know that I'm not, in fact, dead.
Phantom of the Opera rocked my fucking face off.
Ryan (if you're still ont he list?), happy belated birthday.
Dave...I've lost track of your whereabouts. If you're still in Denver, OpusFest is May 22-24. Fun times. I think it's at the Four-Points Sheradon one one of those major roads that crosses C-470. If you're not in
Everyone else....
Time to pay the fiddler, whore!
I wanted to suggest a few new ideas for those white-on-black message from God billboards, but I just keep coming back to the same one:


-The G Dawg

Other possible signatures could include Gizzawd, Godd, The Almiggitymighty, G Diggity, and YHWHizzle. (some of these ideas come courtest of G Dogg's righthand man, Goathizzity for Shizzity).

Anyone remember the Indy Jones and Last Crusade game for the NES? I played the hell out of that thing (the tank battle was either particularly vexing or particularly fun, I can't remember which). Near the end you have to walk across the bridge of crumbling letters, spelling out "Jehovah" as you go. Now, there were two points of confusion here:

1) I had no idea how the hell to spell Jehovah.

2) In the movie, Indy almost falls to his doom because he forgets that in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah starts with an I.

So I trundled my tubby child arse out to the back porch, where my dad was repairing televisions and other manner of electronics.

"Hey," I said (and you have to imagine my little whiny kid voice), "how do you spell Jehovah?"

To which he, of course, asked "Why?"

My explanation—I'm trying to get to the Holy darn Grail, gosh!—didn't seem sufficient, but he told me anyway (as you may know, he used to be a preacher, which qualifies him to spell Jehovah).

So I went back into the bedroom, where meagan and her half-brother were waiting. And I stepped on I, and fell to my doom. Then I decided that I would just go with English and use a J, and I saved the day. Well, almost—I had to choose the grail, which, as I recall, was a bit more difficult than it is in the movie, even with no Arian temptress to distract me. But at that age, I would have been more distracted by a bologna sammich.

So, as some of you know, I am moving this week. The apartment: a two-bedroom. The roommate: my girlfriend. The apartment is divided into sections, with my room being "Fedual Japan" and the kitchen being "The Year 2462." As in, "I'm traveling to the year 2462 for some coffee." Any other sort of designation is outlawed, and will be swiftly punished with karate chop action.

This apartment movery also explains why I will not be around much this week—it's really quite a bitch moving an entire apartment's worth of accumulated junk forty minutes across town. (That's about twenty minutes from ryan, I think). So I will probably not go out Thursday, and very likely won't see anyone until this weekend at the very earliest, although that's the carpet-shampooing/vacuuming, window-cleaning, wall-scrubbing, etc day. Also, my parents are coming up. I'm a bit concerned about how they'll take my girl-living-withing. But my dad seems cool about it.

For John, since Goathead didn't make it to Amber: I've decided it's not for me. Although it was good to see everyone again, I'm not much of an RPGer. I think it's the time issue—last week I went there straight from work and didn't get home until collapsing-into-bed time. But I will miss Ghostwheel, who was by far the coolest character. I wrote an obit for my character, something along the lines of:

"While Ghostwheel was distracted, Bastardo! the Beggar rifled through his pockets in search of a few happy pills. He accidentally popped rat poison, and died."

Or, if happier endings are preferrred:

"Confused and disoriented, Bastardo! thought he saw Ghostwheel's halo flickering above a nearby stream, beckoning him to come in. Which he did, and was promptly eaten by a whale who'd lost its way. The whale became beached in the shallow water and died, but not until digesting the beggar."
I don't think any of us were surveyed
Men's Health posted an article listing the twenty happiest and twenty most depressed cities in America. The list was compiled based on information taken from antidepressant sales, courtesy of NDC Health; suicide rates, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the number of days inhabitants reported being depressed, based on the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

The results? Texas is a happy place. Proof that ignorance really is bliss.
No surprise--New York isn't a very happy place.
Philadelphia, city of brotherly love, is downright miserable.

And Des Moines, Iowa, isn't half bad after all. We were in a three-way tie for 15th happiest city in America.

(Denver made neither list) You need to buy more antidepressant's Dave. Get that city higher on the depressed list.

The 20 Happiest Cities

1. Laredo, TX: A+

2. El Paso, TX: A+

3. Jersey City, NJ: A+

4. Corpus Christi, TX: A+

5. Baton Rouge, LA: A

6. Honolulu, HI: A-

7. Fresno, CA: A-

8. San Jose, CA: A-

9. Lincoln, NE: B+

10. Bakersfield, CA: B+

11. Buffalo, NY: B+

12. Anchorage, AK: B+

13. Stockton, CA: B+

14. Shreveport, LA: B+

15. (3-way tie) Madison, WI: B, Montgomery, AL: B, and Des Moines, IA: B

18. Wichita, KS: B

19. (tie) Sacramento, CA: B and Omaha, NE: B

The 20 Most Depressed Cities

1. Philadelphia, PA: F

2. Detroit, MI: F

3. St. Petersburg, FL: F

4. St. Louis, MO: F

5. Tampa, FL: F

6. Indianapolis, IN: F

7. (3-way tie) Mesa, AZ: F, Phoenix, AZ: F, and Scottsdale, AZ: F

10. Cleveland, OH: F

11. New York, NY: D-

12. Salt Lake City, UT: D-

13. Atlanta, GA: D

14. (3-way tie) Yonkers, NY: D, Pittsburgh, PA: D, and Kansas City, MO: D

17. (3-way tie) Long Beach, CA: D, Los Angeles, CA: D, Nashville, TN" D

20. Portland, OR: D
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I throw pennies in the stove...and it makes music!
MSI tickets. You who love them should buy them. Should I come back to see this show? Im tempted. At least they didnt play Grinnell and have their facist students only policy. Fuck Grinnell, btw. Not you monki, or your friends there. The school. Fuck it in the ear.

Comic. Coming along handsomely. Andy &/or Heather: pictures???
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Damn it all.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Don't worry, I'm not dead
Following Goathead's example, I'm posting a letter I wrote to Target yesterday:

Dearest Whoever it is Who Handles Complaints:

First off, don't feel obligated to write back with a we-appreciate-your-business letter; I used to work in food service and hated, hated irate complainers and don't want to be one. But I need to vent about today's (20 April) Target experience, and I'm giving my girlfriend the night off.

I stopped in for a headset for my Xbox. I noticed you guys were selling the green premium headsets for $29.99, which was amazing because usually they're 50 bucks. $29.99! It was amazing. I took it to the counter but (as you probably know) the price was actually $50. Being a government employee, I couldn't afford it, so I offered to go return it and grab something else. While returning it I made sure all the headsets were marked as $29.99, thought about asking one of the electronics people about it, but then got frustrated and left.

I returned a half hour later, after hitting the new mall, and decided to try a standard cell phone headset, because supposedly they work with the Xbox. Well, I picked up a nice $12.99 model and took it to the register. After waiting in line I found out, whoops, it's really $17. I knew the store couldn't have messed up twice, so I apologized and returned the model. The price tag still said $12.99.

So I was frustrated. I asked for the manager and when she came I explained the situation. "So I was wondering," I said, going for sarcasm, "if I can have someone follow me around with a pricing gun so I don't have to keep doing this. You know, walking back and forth from aisles to the register."

"We don't really have the personnel for that," she said. I don't think she caught the sarcasm, which is unfortunate because then I felt like a pathetic jackass. "But if that problem happens, the checkout person is supposed to have me come check out the price."

Well, I returned to electronics. I scooped up both the items I'd tried to purchase plus a new one, a $9.99 headset. This short-haired guy rang everything up for me. All the prices were wrong. I went back to the headsets and he came over and rearranged things. Then I scooped up the $9.99 one, which was really $12.99, and took it to the front of the store. I was too frustrated to be chatty or to be pleasant, which was embarrassing because the check-out girl was sort of cute this time. I bought the headset and returned home, where I tested it on my cell phone, and … guess what… it didn't work.

So to southside Target I went, and got a refund. The punchline to this joke is that I then ambled over to the southside Target electronics section and saw that the $50 Xbox headsets were marked as $29.99 here too! This morbidly tall guy gangled over with a pricing gun and asked if he could help me. He checked the price and seemed confused. I left the store, secure in the fact that at least all the Target scores screwed up together. It's almost mystical—as if some guiding force ensures that no one will be able to know what they're paying until they're already in line.

Farewell, fearless You Who Handles Complaints.

Tim Dicks


Here are some things I recommend to you:

1) Salvaging a wheelchair. Has to be manual to be useful. This recommendation isn't endorsed if you live in a one-bedroom, however.

2) Beck's dark beer. This is actually Wes's recommendation--or, to be accurate, someone's recommendation to Wes that just happened to get passed to me like a case of gonorrhea. But what matters is that the beer is bitter and delicious and blacker than a faberge egg that's just squeezed its way out of a very uncomfortable place in Denver.

3) Vegetarian food from Mexican restaurants. Holy shit, you'd never know there were so many vegetables in the world. Every quesadilla or fajita I order is like a tortilla stuffed with melted crayons: red peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, mushrooms, red onions, broccoli. Hot diggity damn.

4) Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which is a book narrated by an autistic teenager. Short and well done.
I love posting as much as I love taffee..and I'm a man who loves his taffee.
This school is absolutely retarded. I spent $20 on headphones Ill only use in one class, which is Audio for Multimedia, but now the teacher is forcing us to buy a $60 book for the class. FORCING AS A GRADE. Fuck that. As well, Typography (a class that teeters on the dropped-from-our-program list) is also enforcing a typography book, which costs $90. I was also advised to buy texts. Yes. Buy texts. How much does the smallest pack of texts cost? FRICKING $286 dollars. Fuck that, too. Apparently you can get sued if you use type someone else owns. Also: internet at the dorms is now under lock/key. They basically made everyone sign this agreement saying they can monitor what we do and they monitored XBox live/PS2 Online out the window. Hohohoho. I am so not happy. To top it off, somehow my name got out on a list and now the front desk at the dorms is getting calls for me to sign up for At-Home shit. Oh I do love existence!!!

Other news: Cake is out of the picture. $90 for tickets and I have to buy 2 at a time. Hell no. MSI tickets cost $50. Hell no again. When did seeing a band thats about music end up costing a King's Ransom?
This is an email I sent to my boss
On this day, April the 21st, in the year of Our Lord 2005, I plan to vanquish the beast known as YOM. Once I have slain this foul creature, the dark shadow of late work and missed deadlines will be lifted from the kingdom of proofreading. And there will be much rejoicing.

Now I, as the humble vassal of Sir Dennis of Werning, wish to beg your indulgence. On the morrow, April the 22nd...yadda yadda yadda, I would like to be dismissed from my duties (around noonish) so that I may engage in an afternoon of prayer and fasting while reflecting on the deeds of this day.

Your humble servant,

Sir Andrew of Judge, vanquisher of late work.

This was his reply:

It is my pleasure, nay, honour to bestow upon Sir Andrew, the title of YOM Killer, and as such all the honours, merits and salutations deserved by such. Feelth free to roam away from the castle and chance upon the earthy pleasures. Be sureth to advise young lady Amy of your departure timeth.

And that is why I love my job.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
heh bloody Irish
I dunno what it was about this but I found this to just be somewhat ironic. The new religious leader of one of the largest world religions paid out. And count on the Irish to gamble on it. Otherwise nothing much to report. Though anyone who's not helping us take over the oceans in piratical furvor doth suck the barnacles Arrr! Now I go back to watching Dune heh.
Lets beat these bitches!
I more then likely have some form of manic depression. Whoot. Ill be ok.

Update on the photo taking: Thank you all for helping me out. I really loved the pictures.

Im going a different route this time. Remember the scene from my lil Final Phallacy where Tim escapes from jail? Well in case you dont remember, Tim is thrown in jail, escapes through an army of female knights and fights mummies as a boss. Well, ive modified that. Now its Tim, Andy, and Novo fighting off knights. Could I please get some pictures of you all? I just need yer faces. Ill explain the scene again:

Page 1--Bil and Andy are at a wall. Bil is trying to brake thru the security code on the wall. Andy is mowing down knights with tommy guns (just play along)
Tim is in midst of crowd Gato Punching his way through and swinging swords. He joins up with other two.
PAGE 2--Words exchanged, notice 4 giant walking mechs have appeared. Fire at three. Bil puts up force shield, no expression changed.
Page3--Tim & Andy hop onto mechs, shoot drivers. Dead bodies start to rise from the dead! Army of zombies approach tim/and/bil

I need just a few shots of these expressions: shocked, surprised, gleeful, determined, and rage filled. By a few i mean 3 or 4. Novo: I just need you to get the head shots. Capise?

Oh and any women folks who want to be in this just need to look super pissed off, dying, and zombified. PLEASE HELP ME OUT. Five minutes is all i ask. ill even color and print em out for all who participate.
Monday, April 18, 2005
An epic tale about the brewery in the trunk of my car

I was starting to wonder if Bil was a figment of my imagination until he posted the other day. I hadn't seen him in so long, I thought my mind had created him. After all, a person that cool could not possibly exist in reality. That would be absurd.

I think the last time I had seen him or Morgan was when Ryan and I jumped them from behind at the mall. Ryan practically tackled Morgan, which nearly earned him a decapitiation by gerber.

Martin graced us on Saturday and was witness to one of the better nights of pound-me-in-the-ass karaoke. I didn't think anyone could top Ryan in just plain ridiculousness, but Cory's friend Ben pulled it off with his screaming falsetto renditions of Highway to Hell and Welcome to the Jungle. I saw the hot hot karaoke girl cover her ears and run off the stage after the first verse of Highway.

Frank Sinatra music is really relaxing. I've been listening to a lot of Sinatra at work lately and it really mellows me out. I don't even want to break Stefanie's neck right now. It's amazing! Oh, and for those of you who know her (which is probably limited to Tim and Ryan) she got her nose and her nipples pierced over the weekend and she wants to show them off at the loft this Thursday. So in other words: Stay away from the loft this Thursday.

For those of you who don't know Stef, she's the girl I work with who was supposed to be hired as my assistant and her duties were going to include whatever the hell I wanted them to include. As it turns out, she's really just a lazy bitch who spends her day eating bagels, talking on the phone and occasionally doing a job that someone else gives her. She might do something I give her once or twice a week, if I'm lucky.

Because of her I was nearly buried alive beneath folders and Bank Manual pages last week. I thought I was going to have to light my desk on fire if I ever wanted to get rid of it all.

To top the week off I had to suffer eight hours of intense cockblocking yesterday. Oh the pain!

Man, I love grapefruit!
Vladimir Puitn
Crashetron is alive and working. How? I dont know.

Taking Lynn home about 15 minutes ago, I almost hit a drunken street urchin. How? Well, he was crossing diagonally 8th avenue ( a three lane one way i was going on) and Colorado Blvd (which is six lanes of 2 way traffic). I cant tell if he was walking down 8th or up colorado when i entered the intersection but as soon as I get within 10 feet of him he steps RIGHT INTO MY PATH. I break hard; he puffs his smoke and decides "Well schucks! I must be in traffic! I should run across and not drunkenly stagger! Im such a demeaning image of America, hyuck!" and runs. Of course Lynn yells at me, I dont argue, for me not breaking and waiting for him. Even though I had no idea what this failed abortion was doing besides being drunk and Jaywalking.

And this is only one of the many reasons why I hate my life. As well, the girl I was after was hard core gettin it and I shared a wall with her. I really hate my life. Nothing ever seems to work out when I want it to.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Smoke me a kipper: I'll be back for breakfast.
First off: I apologize for being a jerkoff on the javascript. I have had little sleep this last week and need some. Unfortunately, Im working extra hours so I can upgrade a certain computer Im gettin from a delightful lil Shirefolk as well as a wardrobe for the summer.

So. I get three weeks to draw a comic for Storyboarding. Did you know that most comics that turn into movies already have storyboards? Its because comics are sequential drawing of a story. Storyboards are sequential drawings in a story. Coincidence? No. The industry is lazy.

Heres where you all come into play: Ryan's Pound-Me-In-The-Ass-Athon. You all will be drunk and full of energy ( i hope) So, with the help of a digital camera, either Novo or Heather need to take "action shots" of you fawkers drunken fighting. Just go ballistically over the edge with your poses too. I also need all ya'lls faces in EXTREME fright or fear (not all lookin at teh camera) cuz after this I have to make a movie storyboard. Simple enough? Ok. Ill put it in bullet format.

*Get drunk
*Get a digital camera
*No humpin in ass. You just came from a bar full of that
*Take pictures. think comic book or anime stuff.
*Fight like drunken Irish potato Patty's
*Send files to DaveO's "redcow" addy ;)

Simple enough. And your reward? Immortality. On paper.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
March left! Shift down! Change direction! Destroy the humans!
Blah! The weekends usually mean a dead blog. This trend continues until either a) I post useless babble or b) Andy writes an epic story about brewing beer in his car's trunk.

I got nothing. I want summer to be here cuz Denver is ...dare I say it?...socially BORING. Im in class right now for Hard Surface and Organic stuff. I <3 this school. Especially having to crap out jewelled eggs.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Of ends and begginings
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The poor and powerful joined in a final farewell to Pope John Paul Friday at a momentous Vatican funeral watched by hundreds of millions of people across the world he had traveled.

Flags and banners, many from the Pope's native Poland, bobbed in the ocean of humanity that stretched from St. Peter's Square for as far as the eye could see.

"Santo subito" (Make him a saint immediately), pilgrims chanted in Italian, holding up the open-air funeral Mass several times in an outpouring of emotion for a giant of the 20th century.

"We can be sure that our beloved Pope is standing today at the window of the Father's house, that he sees us and blesses us," Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told hundreds of thousands of people packed into the windswept square.

The funeral even brought a hint of the reconciliation between nations that John Paul championed.

Israeli President Moshe Katsav said he shook hands with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, a country formally at war with Israel, and spoke to President Mohammad Khatami of Iran, which is also deeply hostile to the Jewish state.

Earlier, Khatami told Corriere della Sera newspaper in an interview: "Maybe today will make us hope of a future of peace, not of conflict and hatred."

With the funeral over, the Roman Catholic Church embarks on a new era. On April 18 cardinals will enter a conclave entrusted with the daunting task of electing John Paul's successor.

The new man will have to lead the world's 1.1 billion Catholics in an era marked by tension between religions, between science and ethics, between doctrine and social pressure to change and open up to contraception, women, married priests.

"This Pope has had a problem, and it will be the problem of the future, to have unity in diversity," said Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, seen by some as a possible pope candidate.


Ora pro nobis, et dona nobis pacem
The Uncreditable Hulk
I have had a shitty week. To solve this, I purchased a bottle of Grey Goose. If I drunkenly call any of quote Nick "YA'LL BEEN WARNED!!!"

Have any of you played that new fandangled Legos Star Wars yet? I would assume McRebound and Martin have snagged it up since any shiny or novelty game that is shat out they snag up. Its actually pretty cool, despite its novelty. Theres a shit ton of characters to unlock and play through. Its just sooooo cute to see the Legos people blow shit up. The best part is that you can tear the fuck out of the young Anakin (sic) with lightsabers. Sadly he reforms...only to be destroyed again in a mist of bones and blood. Not really...but it still is slightly satisfying. But definately I recommend this game, just to play as Quite-Gone Gin and to slice up Jar-Jar and young Anakin (sic). Just go play it.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Popes, laptops, finals, and apples
Well, this first started as just replies to Dave and Andy's posts. But, I decided to just go ahead and post anyways.
The Pope and his death: This does sadden me as well, and I feel that the world has lost a great man. Whoever is selected in this conclave has much to live up to, and I hope that they elect a good person who shows the same amount of compassion/everything Andy said previously to the world such as John Paul II did. That said, I'm sure that mass tonight will be very sad. Andy, maybe I could borrow that book from you sometime, I've never read it and I think it would be a good thing to read, that is if you don't mind. I too tire of the political talks that seem to be running rampant now. It just seems that its always the same redundant arguement: "Bush this, oil that, Iraq this, war that". Its all the same, just on a different day, under a different headline, worded differently.
Enough about that.

Laptops: (or if you're Dave- labtops) I'm pretty intent on getting a HP for a laptop, my neighbor Jessica has one, and is pretty satisfied with their performance, as I am sure I will be. All I really need it for is a few simple tasks. (word processing, CD burning, document saving, and internet acess, as well as a few other random things) Dave, I will be sending you the Hobbitt 5000 after I'm done with it in May. I will take off my crap and reformat the hard drive for you so that its as good as new and doesn't have all my crazy foreign language programs on there, that I'm 99% sure you don't need.

Finals: They're rapidly approaching, thank God. I've got 4 weeks left (including the actual finals week) and I am getting spring fever like no other. I think I'm going to be done with bartending somewhere around April 27th, so I can devote my last week chained to my desk studying. Anyways, in 4 weeks, I'll be the happiest person you've ever met. In the meantime, my life shall be swallowed whole by other random tests/compositions/reports/reading/etc. Also, with this finals business means scheduling classes for next term, which by definition will be hell on Earth (taking 21 hours).

Apples: Simply put, they are delicious. A good crisp, tart, cold Granny Smith apple, or which ever kind you prefer, will really make your day better. I've been up since around 5:45 this morning, and so far, that's been the highlight of my day (sad, I know). With the spring being here and the fast approaching summer, the spectrum of available fruit broadens! (I'm a big fruit eater.)

Anyways, that's about all I got for now which could have been summed up into:
Pope's death is sad, I'm getting a new laptop, finals will suck and apples are great.
So yeah...everyone have a great afternoon, and I hope all is well with everyone. As some of those crazy hippy folk would say, keep on truckin'.
The life of a saint
So, on my feelings about the passing of Pope John Paul II:

I am really, honestly, upset about it. I have a book of prayers that he wrote. They’re really very touching. I don’t have it with me, otherwise I might have shared one, and maybe I’ll add later.

I guess what I liked most about this pope was that he seemed very honest, very gentle, very compassionate.

I’m so very tired of politics. After the war in Iraq, the presidential campaign, the Terri Shriavo debacle…and all the other crap that has been argued in this country over the past few years…I’m just really tired of it. I'm really tired of hearing these people talk about their beliefs and what they think is right and wrong and I never feel like anything they say is genuine. They all seem to be playing little political games. It all seems so phony.

Pope John Paul II may have had opinions that some might see as being political, he may have influenced politics, but I don’t look at him as a political figure in any way. I saw him as a more genuine person, who wouldn’t have tested public opinion before forming his own. He is one of the few major world figures in our lifetime whose decisions were truly guided by love. It isn’t hard to find someone who will say they love the world and have compassion for its people, but I think this man really did. He lived a life of self-sacrifice and service.

I know a lot of people are smirking at that sentiment. I heard a guy on the radio this morning talking about how he can’t believe a man who was “anti-abortion, anti-contraception, and anti-gay marriage” could be getting so much admiration from the liberal camp. He called the pope a conservative!

Something about that title doesn’t sit right with me. Yeah, by our standards, many of his views would be considered conservative. But I just can’t apply that title to him. Nor could I apply liberal. I think he transcended such silly titles.

I see him as divorced from the ridiculousness of politics. His only agenda was love for mankind.

I could probably go on and on about the positive things he’s done for the world. Some people credit him with toppling Communist Russia. He traveled all over the world visiting the poor and trying to persuade world leaders to be more compassionate. He traveled more than any other pope even after the assassination attempt.

And wasn’t that something? He was shot by a professional assassin--a self-described “crack shot.” When John Paul was told how lucky he was to be alive, he said, “One hand guided the gun, another guided the bullet.” Then, a year or two later, he went alone into the cell of his attempted murderer and forgave him.

The world could use more leaders like Pope John Paul II. Men who, no matter what they believe, live lives of self-sacrifice and service to those beliefs. Genuine men, with a genuine love for all people.
How to get a laptop in three easy steps
Yeah, that HP laptop wasn’t easy to acquire. I suppose I could have just bought one like most people, but that would have been too easy, and expensive. Instead, I planned an elaborate diversion in order to create an opportunity to abscond with it without the Best Buy “Geek Squad” thugs catching me.

STEP ONE: Find a big political controversy.

It started with the controversial Carter vs. the State of Iowa case that was being heard by the Iowa Supreme Court. Maybe none of you have heard of it (probably not, since I just made it up) but this was a case surrounded by heated debate and high emotions. It involved a black woman who had been oppressed by the white devils of Council Bluffs and had been beaten into a coma. All of the crackers in Council Bluffs wanted to pull the plug on her, claiming she was brain-dead. The NAACP stepped in and tried to fight the initial rulings of the court, citing the fact that she wet herself every time a white person entered her room. They claimed that her soiling herself in reaction to a white face was proof that she was partially aware.

The big difficulty in this case was that her husband was white, and therefore had the option to pull the plug or keep her alive. After he received an incredible amount of money in reparations for her tragedy, he decided it was hopeless, found another woman, fathered three children and fought hard to end the life of his wife.

Since he was obviously acting in her best wishes, multiple courts sided with him. It was only the NAACP’s stubborn lobbying that kept her alive for the six years.

Finally, the case came before the Iowa Supreme Court and they too sided with the husband. Here’s where I saw my chance.

STEP TWO: Gather a group of very pissed-off individuals.

I positioned petitioners outside of a local Best Buy store where I knew a busload of rich white people would soon be passing by. I also lured a group of Christian Conservatives and Gay Rights Activists there by claiming that an illegal gay marriage was going to take place in the Best Buy parking lot at 2:00.

STEP THREE: Preheat oven at 400 degrees, bake for twenty minutes.

My plan fell together perfectly. It was like a political activist Battle Royal! Cars were overturned, the police showed up, teargas was shot into the crowd, firemen arrived spraying water all over the place. It was political pandemonium.

When the first two police cruisers burst into flames I knew the moment had arrived. I had been waiting patiently near the video game section pretending to be browsing xbox titles. When I saw my chance, I dashed over to the laptops, hoisted the first HP box that caught my eye, and made a run for the door.

It wasn’t easy. I had to bob and weave through entangled masses of bodies, leap over attack dogs and duck a few fists. Finally, I emerged with the HP. It had been a brilliant plan. Well thought out and well executed.

I would suggest you try something similar.
And my longer churped...or hummed. Or buzzed. Or locked up.
My life is fucking peachy. Not only am I barred from classes and expected to shit out the Golden Egg of Hath-eroth, but now I'm convinced God hates me. Why does He hate you, Dave? is a reasonable question you may be asking. I'll tell you why.

Crashetron 250 is dead.

Dead. Quite dead. I cant system restore. I cant reboot it. Its just dead. It shows the Gateway screen...and thats it. I hit tab, and it shows that theres a keyboard. Then it sits there. I left the room and came back an hour later (a usual habit) only to see that the computer had only found the keyboard and was the exact phase it was in earlier. I turned it off. I turned it back on. Same story. This computer is fucked. More then Amish's grandma. Its like the whole male popuation of China took its turn at raping the same underage Lithuanian girl, videotaped all of it, dubbed over Bing Crosby's "White Chirstmas," put it in a box, had some sweaty Mongul poop in the box, and then e-mailed it directly into my computer. And then, some huge black prison guy came into my dorm, sodomized the USB port, and then shanked it with his prison knife. The non-inuendo knife. Yes...that fucked.

What does this mean? All of my RPG Maker stuff is gone. All the FOES sprite comics are gone. All of the lost Reservoir pictures are lost forever. The only remaining copy of Jimmy with a lightsaber is gone. 37,493 beautiful naked women are gone. The donkey show??? Gone. And the poor hampster that ran for five years to make the damn piece of machinery is now quite dead, besides being unemployed.

Five damn years. Sheeeeeiiit. I only can hope for May to get here soon so I may get the better computer from Hobbiton. Until then, I will try to post when I have the chance to.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Somehow my internet got jacked up. Its fixed now. Kelly is now going to replace Crashetron 250 with a newer, less fallable computer (she gives her hobbit thumb's up on the machine over and over again.) So whoohooo! Soon I will have pirate software and Pirate Puzzle on me computer. When? May..ish.

And ummm....yeah. I just found out about the works of H.P. Lovecraft. He created the mothern mythos of the Necronomicon and Cthulu. As well, in the literary world hes considered this crackpot genius/dumbass. Kinda reminds me of a certain author who starts off making an epic about zombies and ninjas but somehow rewrites it and makes it into a cheesy nickel novel of victorean era love (*cough* tim *cough*).

Cthulu. Rock on.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
DaveO: The Honorary Vagina.
Yep. Thats me. Honorary Vagina. I spent Thursday and Friday hanging out with Sarah and Christine and gettin hammered beyond belief. Blah! It was fricking fun as hell. They hate men now minus And we all shared a futon drunkenly. Then I drove home. I think you all could pick up the fun we were havin from the lil thing on the right. Yeah. They both hate you a lot, Tim, because you couldnt get out to Des Moines to see them and stuff. about 8 hrs Im leaving Albia. Ill post when I get to Denver. Then you all can continue with your lives.

Oh. Novo: Sorry for not seeing you at all. I suck at life. Well mostly.
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Blog... not broken...