Thanks to Tim, for posting the link for these!
Blade Meat - The meat removed from the scapula or shoulder bone. Also called lifter meat or cap and wedge meat.
Blood Meal - Pulverized or finely ground dried blood. Water is usually removed by either flash drying or by the conventional cooker method. Blood meal is high in protein (85 percent) and is used as a feed additive. Valued as a good source of natural lysine.
Bob Veal - A house graded baby dairy calf slaughtered at 1-3 weeks of age based upon freshness and lean texture. Slaughter weight ranges between 50-110 pounds. Meat is sold mostly for trimmings and for lower priced calf cuts. The term originated in the days when lightweight calf carcasses were tail bobbed instead of trying to skin the small tail.
Bone Meal - Finely ground or pulverized cooked bone. Not used in any meat food product but in animal feeds.
Butt Branded - In hides, refers to a hide which has had a brand placed on the portion of the skin covering the rump area of the animal.
Chitterlings - The cleaned large intestines of swine prepared for human food.
Choice White Grease - Rendered, inedible pork fat. Used in pet foods and animal feeds.
Chub - A tubular casing or plastic bag in which meat, usually ground beef or pork, is enclosed for retail sale.
Colorado Branded - In hides, refers to placement of a brand on the side of an animal, although not necessarily from Colorado.
Comminuted - The reduction of meat particle size through grinding, dicing, chopping, etc.
Cracklings - The crisp residue remaining after lard has been pressed from rendered hog fat or tallow pressed from rendered beef fat.
Deckle - The fat and lean lying between the bone and main muscle of the brisket.
Denude - To remove surface fat from a cut of meat down to the blue tissue or silver skin.
False Sweetbread - In swine, the pancreas gland.
Foresaddle - The unsplit front half of a veal or lamb carcass.
Hanging Tender (the opposite of "hanging tough"?)- The thick, red muscle dorsal attachments of the diaphragm.
Hide-On - Veal carcasses sold with the hide intact. Usually used when calf is slaughtered and broken at different facilities to reduce the incidence of drying. Normally dresses 70 percent.
Honeycomb Tripe - The lining of the second compartment (reticulum) of the ruminant stomach which has honeycomb-like appearance.
Inside Skirt - The Transversus abdominis muscle.
Kidney Knob - The rounded structure of the kidney and the surrounding fat. Kipskin - A hide of the bovine species from a very young, or even unborn, animal up to a mature animal. Also called Kips.
Leaf Fat - The heavy layer of fat that lines the inside surfaces of the abdominal cavity of a hog carcass.
Lights - Slang term for lungs.
Mechanically Deboned - Product, usually pork picnics, that is machine separated from bones. The resultant product is normally intended for further processing into fresh ground product or sausage.
Melts - Industry terminology for spleens.
Off Condition - Meat that is unwholesome.
Oxtails - The coccygeal vertebrae from beef carcasses. Used for stewing and for soup making.
Peeled - Refers to fat and muscle separation along natural seams.
Pepsin Linings - A portion of a hog's stomach lining that contains glands that secrete the pepsin enzyme. This enzyme is used by the pharmaceutical industry to produce a digestive aid for humans.
Pet Food Items - Visceral organs and carcass parts that are denatured and then rendered into products for pet consumption.
Rib Fingers - The intercostal muscles.
River Hides - Hides from cattle produced mainly in the major cattle producing states along the upper Missouri River - Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas.
Seedless Bellies - Pork bellies free of mammary gland tissue.
Silver Skin - A heavy membrane separating muscle groups.
Slunk - An unborn calf.
Soaper - A trade term for a soap company. They buy packer bleachable tallow to use in the soap manufacturing process.
Strap (Ligamentum Nuchae) - The thick, elastic band of ligament imbedded between the muscle bundles of the dorsal surface of the neck (also called "back strap").
Sweetbread - In beef, this is the thymus gland and is used as a food product. In pork, this is the pancreas gland and is used for pharmaceutical production.
Swiss Cut - Refers to the close trimming of beef tongues. All bones, glands, and base muscles are removed.
Trepas - The small intestine in beef.
Trotter - The lower hind shank in lamb. That portion normally removed at the break joint.
Variety Meats - A term usually used to describe offal items such as heart, liver, tongue, brain, sweetbread, etc.
Weasand - The muscular layer of the esophagus.
Wet Blueing - The process by which a hide is converted into a wet, unsplit, blue-chromed hide. The hide is soaked and washed with chemicals (lime and sulfur) or enzymes to burn off hair. After the hair is removed, the hide is limed and delimed (bating). The hide is then pickled, using sulfuric acid and salt to lower the Ph level. Finally, the hide is chromed (blueing), the first step in tanning.