Friday, April 30, 2004
Damned if I do...Damned if I don't
Well, my 90 hours a week has paid off. After working 12 hours yesterday, and another 8 today, I got asked if I wanted to be a shift manager at the Chariton Pizza Hut...
So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Jennie is really needing the help over there, but its a 30 mile drive. I think the only way I'm going to do it, is if I get the mamager pay. Selfish yes, but I drive a p.o.s, and have tuition to pay, etc. And next year's tuition will be a tough pill to swallow.
So, any thoughts and ideas are welcome. . .
Between Iraq and a hard place
Eerily reminiscent of A Rose for Emily

Well, I guess all the college kids are probably stressed out right now cause its coming down to finals week and all the papers and tests and jabbada-pow. You have my pity....suckers.

I'm starting to feel like college was a waste in some ways. I'm not going to say that it was entirely a waste, because I don't think that any experience is really WASTED. You'll learn from anything.

That said, I do think that it wasn't all that useful for far as getting a job is concerned. Thats a pretty disheartening discovery to say the least. And its not like I didn't have any warning or indication that it was going to be like this. Ever since I changed to a non-teaching English major I had joked about how unemployable I was going to be. But thats all it was to me for a long time: a joke.

Lately its been a little more serious a problem. I got lucky getting the job I have, and thats not even spectacular. At first I thought it would lead me in directions that I wanted to go, but the first time I tried to go in one of those directions I got a door slammed in my face. I know its still early, but that hurt. My nose is still sore.

Obviously I don't want to do this forever. I'm not even sure I want to do this for more than a not longer than a year. So that brings me to a pretty serious decision. I know what my chances are. Slim. The chances of me getting the kind of job I really want are not all that great. I'm not saying its not possible, its just not likely. And even if I do manage to weasel my way in somewhere, its going to be a lot of work struggling my way up to where I want to be.

On the one hand, thats probably just the way things go. I shouldn't complain because thats how it seems to be for all college graduates. I see the same trends with Heather and Kasey, I saw it some with Krispy, and I imagine I will soon be seeing it with Tim and John. Thats life, right? Its not like I'm really unhappy with the way things are right now. I have fun. Isn't that whats really important?

I'm sure I could continue with things the way they are now and still be very happy. Its proably the right way to go. Keep working here, with one eye on what I'm doing and the other on opportunities elsewhere. So I guess thats what I'm going to do then....right?

No, probably not. In what, I feel, is probably typical Goathed fashion, I evaluated the situation and am currently leaning towards the most fucking insane option I could think of. I'm sort of considering joining the army.

Okay, so right now Dave just slapped the keys on his keyboard and moaned...and right about now hes muttering something to the effect of "you fucking dumbass". I'm sure everyone else had similar reactions. Just hold on for one second and let me try and explain. I've mentioned this to a few of you already, but I wanted to throw this out in a public forum.

So what do I really need? Experience. I have an education, but I can't get any experience. I need experience to get a job. Its that whole catch-22 bullshit. Where does the Army come in? Well, they offer a variety of jobs that train you in that job area. They have a journalism area, a marketing area, a telecommunications area....and also an area that blows the living shit out of underdeveloped middle-eastern countries...

Okay, so its not PERFECT! The point is that, unlike most of the employers that I've delt with, these guys aren't going to turn me down. They're going to teach me skills that I need and give me some money in the process. Supposedly.
There is the possibility that they might just make me a mine detector even if I do sign up for journalism. "Yeah, go find some mines then write a story about them asshole, hows that sound?"

But if I am doing, say, journalism stuff, then when I get out I'll have four years of experience under my belt and my education. Which is a lot more than I have now.

Pretty fucked up alternative to grad school eh?

I'm not sure if I'm really going to do that. If nothing else, I'll at least hold off for a while. There are definately a lot of sacrifices that would be involved. It would be a hard choice to have to make. Sacrifices aren't always bad though. Sometimes they can be the best things for us, to help us grow. No experience is ever really wasted.
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Speaking of moving I have to pack up and go home soon. Then go out to Oregon. Theoretically anyway, they seem to be in no hurry to actually tell me whats going on there. I probably will call them next week if I don't hear anything else.

Buhaha. Yeah, I yet live. I got a shipment of electronic components today and so the toy rewiring is growing to a furious pace. Oh yes. And I must say, for being toys for 5-8 year old(or something like that) they can be damned amusing as intended, if only for a rather short period of time. I'll have to post some samples at some point or something. If anybody cares...

I really need to make a game, soon. That would be good. I think I would like to get a laptop at some point to help facilitate this. Expensive though. May sell organs...

P.S. If anybody remembers the ebay contest I entered I find out if I'm a finalist tuesday. I'll let you know...
My own personal army of ninjas, fleet of hot pirate chicks, and giant robots.
I was walking thru my hallway this morning gettin ready to go to class....and it happened. A couple of Mormons cornered me and started asking me questions. I wanted to so badly stab their eyes out and let them meet their prophet Joseph Smith, as well as their Creator. But I couldnt get a word in....I felt violated. My evil tenacity was powerless to their evil tie wearing elder way. I think they are elders because they posess evil anti-dave powers. So I just nodded, laughed, and tried to get away....but I couldnt!!! They gave me a book of Mormon and I tried to give them a false name (Steve was on my mind) but I said Dave. And they asked what room I live in? I wanted to make up a room but my mind said 697...which doesnt exist...I couldnt help it!

Actually from their brainwashing they are looking for another prophet to walk on the earth and lead their church to the promised New Zion or whatever fucking bullshit they promote. And as I ran away, I thought "Hmmm....what if I were the prophet? I mean, Alexander the Great or whatever killed christians before embrasing what if I were to be a 'Prophet' and lead the Mormons as my unholy minions?!" And I started to have visions of me in a parade, wielding a sword and making Holy Knights, having an army of AT-AT and AT-Sts destroying ice worlds, me giving motivational dictations with a giant textile of me backdropping it, having a marching robotic ninja pirate army ready to die for my honor, and of course a huge fucking harem of hot, gothy, barely legal females who will pleasure me with Mr. Pibb and ice cream. Oh yeah. Then I realized that none of this will happen no matter how hard they try to appease me with goth girls dancing to techno music. Nuh uh. If they cant offer me 70 virgin goths when I die then Im sorry but ill pass for your multi marriage cult...They truely must fuck cows in retrospect if they think they can buy me off with a free book. Dick milks..... A pile of naked men having sex with each other doesnt even come close to how gay this idea is.

As well, I was unable to sleep last nite and decided to read the old blog posts for shits and giggles. Fuck. Me and Bil say "fuck" a whole fucking lot. Each post has about four fucking "universal adjectives" strewn about them. Well shit. We'll fucking have to remedy that with more FUCKS wont we? Fucking fuck fucks.
This summers blockbuster
You thought you knew him as the compassionate president.

You were wrong

You thought you knew him as the leader who brought about tremendous change.

You were wrong

You thought you knew him as the tragic victim of an assassination.

You were wrong

You thought....he was dead.

You were wrong!

You thought you knew him, but this summer the truth will be revealed.

Goathed Entertainment presents Tim Dicks as:

Abraham Lincoln

The South is about to taste revenge, Lincoln style!

This time hes packing an uzi and hes going to emancipate some ass!
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
DavO Gained a level! PRIV down! HP down! Job Class GONE! Lost ALL GIL!
I was orginally going to put this up as a comment to Novo's statement, but I feel its a worthy post.

Ive been doin too much thinking rescently and Novo's post makes me think even more about it. Ive been thinking of the last summer. Ye Olde Attik Apart'mente. Yeah Dave's Place. That was prolly the best damn time of my life. Why? I had a good job, I had my own lil world to control, a working cell phone, magazine subcriptions, a paid off and "working" car, but most importantly PRIVACY and good competition. Im growin less fond of living with 3 other people. I dont have any time to blair my music or be alone to draw or whatever I do in my alone time ( you sick fucks...i know what yer thinking... ) A good thing though is that everyone is into Smash Bros. Melee now, but even though they play it in any moment of free time they got, THEY STILL SUCK. No one here has the ability to beat me (cept on timed matches). But thats not as important as the privacy. I dont know. I like being alone, and I like to socailize. Alone time is nice cuz its a form of solitude with no other people disturbing you or interuptin one's thought plan. I miss that. I also miss the bitching ass hanging out I had at the apt. Kum and Go wasnt too horrible either now I think about it. Sure, I worked overnites, but it really wasnt too horrible of a job. It was evil, yes, but so are taxes. But even with taxes we get benefits from them too. Now that I have constant company and no job/money, I regret I didnt apreciate the past more.

My point? Be sure you all want to move in w/ each other. I really dont have a problem w/ Gert...but when he stayed in the apartment for the while w/ me I realized that I rather like to live alone. Even the last two months of the House were mostly controlled by Dave. Moving in with other friends is cool yes, but be sure you want to. Not to start trouble, but I know Tim had a prob w/ Andy's spreading of Gote Shit around their dorm ( I SAW THE PICUTRES!!! DONT LIE!!!) and look what happened to the Bil/Karl pad.....a five room apt was reduced down to one cuz of mounting trash & cans. Im not trying to downgrade others, but I honestly think its better for folks to live alone and not have to rely on others as far as domiciles. That shit's for married couples. Not sexy badass vampire hunting cryptozoologists with pirate and goth fetishes. Then again I dont speak for everyone...just my lil corner.

All of this is because today is the day the teddy bears have their picnic. Picnic...of human flesh!!!

BONUS QUOTE: Fuck every damn fleet involving ships of court and relation.
pros and cons; os girls
Sometimes I think I always end up working with some of the most eccentric people imaginable. This is, of course, untrue. Everyone works with eccentric people, because most people are eccentric in some way. Still, some of these guys really take the cake. I mean, literally. If there is some cake, they run off with it. Fucking cake-thieves.

But work has its perks. I got my bonus check on Monday. I already had the money from the check, as it was direct-deposited into my bank account last Friday, but having the check-stub is nice... I guess. My supervisor's supervisor always hands out the bonuses personally to us peons, so I try to know when they're coming out so I can make sure I'm clean-shaven and not wearing a shirt with any logos or words on it those days. Not that I'm not allowed to be scruffy or pimp out Street Fighter moves, mind you, I just prefer to appear to be professional the very few times the guy is around.

I'd mentioned how I might be moving to Des Moines to my supervisor last week, and apparently he mentioned it to his supervisor, so when the guy came around to give me the check stub he brought it up. Turns out he lives just north of DM himself. He mentioned the 1 1/2 hour drive he has to make every day and, you know, how much it fucking sucks. Oh noes. Driving. I nodded and laughed politely in the right places, shook his hand, and waited for him to walk out of the area so I could safely begin that day's battle in the unending war between myself and the invisible, intangible work ninjas.

So, about that "might." I probably will move to DM, and the only reason I won't just give a 100% answer is my natural abhorrence to absolutes. S'that damn skepticism of mine. I've been sort of bandying around the pros and cons in my head for the last couple of weeks, and while there certainly are cons the pros are really too damn good for me to end up passing this up. Well, here, I'll just lay some of them out:

Pros - Things that start with "pro" are always good. Like "prostitution"

- Around friends. (M&M) Except for Karl (whom I see rarely anyways) I don't currently live near any of my friends.
- Des Moines stuff. Well, you know, comic shops, Gamestops, decent restaurants. I have to travel at least 25 mins to get to a Wal-Mart currently for fuck's sake. Not that I really want to shop at Wal-Mart or anything.
- Save money. From the sound of things, I'd be saving money renting from Martin. Saving money = teh win!
- Stuff. If you've been to Martin's house, you know what I'm talkin' about here.
- Better job opportunities. ...I would imagine.

Cons - Bad, evil, horrible things. Example: "conservatives"

- Privacy. I don't think this will be a major problem, it's not like I wouldn't have my own room or anything. But still, going from living by myself to living with others (even pretty cool others) is kind of con-ish.
- The driving/job situation. I'm actually pretty content with my current job. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, but I make pretty good money, have some sweet-ass benefits, and don't have to deal with a lot of shit. Having to drive an hour+ every day to get to the job would be kind of uncool, though.
- Visitors. Since it's not technically my place, and because other people live there too, I wouldn't be able to just bring people over to talk and do shit randomly anymore. Well, I could but it'd be really goddamn rude. Currently, if I want to hang out with a co-worker or a friend, I can tell them to just show up or bring them home with me in the case of meeting them while out and about. If I want to have "some people over," I might have to clean up a little bit but that's it. No more of that. Couldn't invite people to stay the night anymore, either. Of course, since I live with 2 of my friends, this seems a bit of a moot point (not like coworkers are going to drive to DM randomly to see me either). I know Martin wouldn't say anything if I did but I know it's assholish to do these things, so I wouldn't do them.
- Smaller space. I think my apartment is about the same size as Martin's house. Certainly, it's bigger than 1/3 of Martin's house. That bedroom is certainly smaller than my current one. Not that I need a lot of space, it's just sort of "eh, that kinda sucks."
- Moving. It sucks! You know it does, don't deny it.

Obviously, I've been thinking about this a lot.

Not nearly as much as this wackiness I discovered last week, though. I think I mentioned it to a couple of you in passing last weekend, but here's some concrete info:

OS Girls Wiki - Most of the links on the wiki don't work, and the ones that do are usually in Japanese... And may contain some "naughty" stuff. Nothing major, but probably not work safe.

:aside: a wiki, in case you didn't know, is like an interactive encyclopedia. It's getting pretty big on the 'net now. I mostly know about it from the Evo Wiki which is about biological evolution and is updated quite a bit from some IIDB members I'm friends with. Essentially, someone puts up a page on a subject, and anyone can come along and edit/add things to it. It saves all revisions (although you browse to the most recent one) so that someone can't just pop in and erase everyting and put up insults (which has happend to Evo Wiki a few times) irreversibly. There's wiki's about goddamn near anything, I add "wiki" to my googles a lot anymore - can get some interesting results. :end aside:

If you don't want to follow the link, the basic gist of it is that in Japan, some anime/computer geeks designed cute female anime-style mascots for each computer OS. The girls are essentially 'embodiments' of what the OS looks/acts like which makes for some amusing (to computer geeks) jokes. It's all unofficial of course, I doubt Microsoft would approve of Windows ME being a clumsy, none-too-bright housekeeper or Windows98 being a cute little girl.... Who sometimes rides around in a little walking box labelled "Win98SE." Of course, some of them (Win XP Pro, Win2000) are just fearsome. The Linux (demonic penguin girl - no, not that kind of penguin Dave) and Apple (OSX looks stoned, heh) jokes flow freely as well. There's OS Girls (unofficial) comics, websites, and even flash animations floating around out there.

Ah, from that great land that came up with bukkake and tentacle porn.

I love the Japanese.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Links, Beotch!
The Next Smash Bros. Melee?!
My suspicions Amish runs a website.
dirty secrets
Theories about why it's been so long since my last post:

1) Tim was abducted in his sleep by extraterrestrials. As he was about to be returned, the female portion of the alien species aboard the ship came across him, collectively swooned, and demanded that he be chained into a furnished cell and labeled Sex Slave posthaste;

2) Following a series of skirmishes with the East India Trading Company, Timothy and a small group of rebels managed to storm the outpost in Delhi, procure the entire supply of hunting rifles, and send those colonials back to Britain or Hell, depending on how the rifles were shooting;

3) After waking from a four-day binge of pizza, salsa, and beer, Tim found himself imprisoned in Mexico, somewhere near Oaxaca. Gradually he befriended and romanced the warden's daughter, who sent word to Jose Cuervo himself, who rode in on a burro and kicked enough ass to embarrass Santa Anna himself;

4) After seeing his friends and family scourged, burnt, and exiled for their beliefs in the Incan God of Wiffleball, Tim set sail for the new world (Knoxville) and founded his own private cult. You can find him between the hours of nine and seven in the large white tent next to Highway 5;

But of course only one of these accounts holds the truth.

completely off subject: i learned today that before Dubaya Dubaya 2 only one country had official standards for biomedical testing. Know which one? The answer is written upside down at the bottom of this post .... ah, hell with it. It was Germany. Funny. Well . . . not really. But you know.

If anyone wants a free year's subscription to the North American Review, I can send out either four or five. It's mostly nonfic, fiction, and poetry, so if anyone is all into reading, comment with your addy. I could think of a few people who might be interested, but thought it would be easier just to ask everyone at the same time.

I started playing FF VII today . . . five years worth of prodding and recommendations all coalesced today in me going down to Gamestop for a copy. The clerk sold me a copy that didn't work, and when I got back he had to go through three more used copies to find one that hadn't already been scratched all to hell. This one's working . . . so far.

Also, thanks, Morgan, for giving me and the Head the lead on the apartment. Maybe if we're reeeeeeall lucky, things'll turn out okeydokey.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Jehovah Jirah! My Provider! He discriminates us mortals indifferently!
This was a wierd weekend in retrospect. Not unlike fucking cows, it was just plain wierd. I played the XBOX version of State of Emergency. A very homicidal game, SoE, in which you are killing just about every one and thing moving. Kinda funny that Microsoft got this game, being that Microsoft is a big corporation and controls everything and in SoE you fight against a corporation that controls everything. Hmmm...Anywho, the XBOX lets you save music onto it and play it as the music track for some games. I didnt know how to change it or fix it for a while, so for 2 days of about 3 hours of play I was shooting off people's heads with shotguns and blowing up cars to Norah Jones. (she wrote that song Tim entitled "Pizza Hut Driving Song When You Want to Slaughter Every Fucking Customer") I found out how to change it, luckily, so now I can mow down huge crowds of civilians with a minigun to Gay Bar.

As well, everyone should be aware they are saying a phrase wrong. " I could care less" is the one im talking about. If you could care less, it means you do care, but in context it should be said " I couldnt care less" meaning you have no registable care and caring for said noun would make it negative. So from now on, use the phrase as is exampled in this actual quote: " I couldn't care less about your damn hampster jetesoning church, you soul soliciting pig fucker Mormons!"

Finally, Im taking a class on After Effects next quarter. This is how they do Aqua Teen and Space Ghost and Sealab. So we are one step closer, my friends, to being immortalized by me. I will take only your idolic worship and possibly a few golden statues of me to be put over there somehow.

Oh oh more thing. Im on DeviantArt now. Suckers!!!
Pimpin' for fun and profit!
Whee doggies!! Who da pimp? I da pimp! I been pimpin since been pimpin since been pimpin!!! ya'll are assitant pimps

This day is extremely suckified. I've been deleting applications left and right and our legal nazis are making us jump through a bunch of hoops so that no one thinks we're discriminating against all the latinos who can't speak english.

Sunday, April 25, 2004
Hot Sex with Earl Grey
Heh. No, actually, it's the best new drink in all the world. (yes, Ryan, it has MILK in it.)
Earl Grey tea...fixed up Cambris-style (that's with milk/creamer/nondescript creamy white stuff) and sweetened with honey instead o' sugar.

Then you go find yourself a bottle of Hot Sex. No, I'm not kidding. It's a drink. A really good one, too.

Anywho, slosh it in with your Earl grey (slosh to taste) and the end result is a clever mixer that's quite tasty.


Addendum- early Sunday morning
Okay, 4:00 in the afternoon...
Just finished the Orc segment of Warcraft III. It made me cry.

Dave mentioned something in previous ramblings about going to A-town in June....Trying to figure out if I can also make said journey.

I'm going to D-Con again this year. Though, so far, the guest list doesn't impress me. Ray Bradbury almost made it last year. Got sick. Ended up doing teleconference-style stuff with a room full of adoring fans. It was kinda cool...

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Something amusing for online gamers
I've seen this sort of play rather too often. Actually there are times when I could have believed Novo had turned one of these on and left the room. Though his was more a 'heh' and 'nod' sort of thing. Anyhow, for amusement. Might post something else later.
The Ninja Game was cancelled tonite cuz its freezin rain and holy hell weather. Also, we had to greet kiddos who wanted to go to the Institute. It sounds like I go to a mental home when I call it the Institute. But yeah. There was a hottie who had a shirt that said "DANCING IS FORBIDDEN!" It also meant free Mountain Dew and free pizza. GOOD Black Jack Pizza. Hotties too. As well as Kill Bill. It was fun times. But I didnt stick around for that, there was a Halo bakkake bein held in TC the RA's room. Twas great. Im gettin better at it...I think.... Oh, and anyone who hasnt seen Red Vs. Blue should be drug out into the street and beaten to death with their disembodied skull.

EDIT My roommate is parkaking in a twelve man, 72 hour video game LAN party. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Theyve played for 36 hours as of now. Its insane. Non stop video gaming and dew?! Who could do that?!????!?!?!??!
I hate my job
What the hell is the point anymore?
I leave the country for one week and the whole place falls apart. Tonight, I was at work, doing the usual 5-close stretch that is my Friday night. Anyways, I write that to tell you about this.
We've hired a new delivery driver, and tonight was my first night working with him. (As I've been out of the country for over a week) He seems really nice, but is in the first few days of his employment.
So I get the trash out of the waitress station, grab a slice of pizza on my way out and start walking towards the dumpster to dispose of said trash, and I hear this comment:
'Hey baby, got fries to go with that shake?'
It was the delivery driver, who I believe is in his 40's.
And this gentlemen, is why I hate my job.
Friday, April 23, 2004
Jesus' Shoes
This is funny stuff

This is scary/crazy/interesting stuff

This weekend I'm planning on going to Cedar Falls. I should arrive at around five or six saturday evening. If Tim would like to let me know ahead of time whats happening, that would be sweet. I'm hoping to clean out my apartment and then visit/drink with everyone I've missed for the past four months.

I don't really have a whole lot to talk about. Work is lame, I've been reading a really good book called To be a Revolutionary, and I read way too many news websites for my own good (hence the links).

I will leave you with this quote from The Simpsons.

Marge: This will give us a good opportunity to buy church shoes.

Bart: Why do we need church shoes? Jesus wore sandals!

Homer: Well maybe if he had better arch support they wouldn't have caught him.
Try to post links that are more random than mine. YOU CAN"T!!!
dew, a new hope

not sure that just happened
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Their NES is now Gert' way of Josh's action.
I had a fun damn day today. First off, dont have any of my homework done and I cant skip the class cuz Im on the line of badness. Oh and it was sunny when i went to class (in shorts) then FREEZING RAIN when i got out. Whoohoo. Parking in Denver sucks and blows more than a Tiawanian Mule Show Marathon. I have to walk 3 blocks for free parking (CITY BLOCKS, not Albia blocks) so I got to walk in the damn freezing cold rain. Yay. I get home and get bombarded with OPP: Other People's Problems. I aint down with OPP. Yeah. You know me.

Bah. Enough bitching.

Im playing a badass game tomorrow called "FUGITIVE!" Here is how its played. There are officers, and there are fugitives. The fugitives have to get to the base. The Officers must catch the fugitives before they get to the base. Only one has to get to the base to win. The only problem is the base is 3 miles from where the fugitives are. They can only go on foot to the base. The officers, however, can use a car and tackle down the fugitive. Easy? No. Not in Denver. Its an insane game Ill explain in full after I play. Im goin to be the driver of one of the cars. Its goin to be a badass game cuz the fugitives are wanting to wear ninja outfits to even better the gameplay. Real life beats the shit out of them fandangoed video games where a lil yellow critter runs around a maze. And there are no Ghosts to haunt us.

Yay. As well, in my English Idiots class, I got in a group to correct each other's papers with a Lauren, a thin and hotter Katy Paxton, and Melanie Curtis lookalikes. And they were all giggly and goofy and slutty and talkin bout sex and snorkeling and Mario Kart-ing and and and..... Oh boy. The voices of Libido were goin to flip their shit at any moment.
justified murder
One of the radio stations up here was doing a $100,000 contest today. They had a date written on a slip of paper in an envelope, and if you were caller X you won $200 and got to tell the DJ your birthday, and if your date matched the slip of paper, you won the hundred grand. All this I absorbed in about ten seconds on my way to buy a frozen pizza at Hy Vee, and what followed was pretty much like this:

DJ (woman in late-20s): Hi, you're caller X. What's your name?

Guy: (sounds stoned): Matt.

DJ: Well, Matt, you just won $200 and just might win . . . $100,000!

Guy: . . . awesome.

DJ: What would you do if you won the money, Matt?

Guy: I . . . guess I'd buy a car. Yeah . . .

DJ: A car, huh? Well, Matt, tell me your birthday.

Guy: May 6, 1983.

: May 6, 1983. Okay, let's see what's in the envelope.


DJ: (quietly) Oh my god. (louder) Oh my god.

Guy: What?

DJ: Oh my god.

Guy: Is that good?

DJ: (almost yelling) A hundred thousand dollars! May 6!

Guy: Yeah! Are you serious?

DJ: (to someone in studio) It says May 6. A hundred thousand dollars!

Guy: Whoa . . .

DJ: A hundredy thousand dollars, I can't believe it! A hundred--what? Oh, 1950? Oooh. It has to be 1950. (awkward silence, then careful chuckling) Well, that was close. Not quite it, Matt.

Guy: . . .
shattered thoughts
I was writing a big post, but the information never really came together in any amusing or coherent way so I deleted it all and I'll just pimp out a goofy link.

...and now I am off to work! Hooray!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Until I can think of something to is why Im going to Hell.
Ok I have a final project due tommorow that I'm trying to finish. Blah.
hmm. yeah thats about it. You should check out my project and give me suggestions and criticism if you get a chance. It is still being created at present. Click on non-title text or pictures to advance to the next "slide".
Image Identity in Comics: Final Project
The more or less final version should be up by 8pm, I'll be working toward it all afternoon. Feel free to im me...

P.S. I've messed with the touch and tell and it is cool. I should have a speak and math coming in the mail too, but the call for more is still there. If you have them I will be more than willing to take them off your hands. I can even pay a bit if you want. Prime targets are Speak and Spell, Speak and Read, Speak and Math, and if you happen upon an old keyboard (the Casio SK-1) I could use one of those too... I need to find a good electronic parts supplier at some point to, in the area would be nice but I would settle for online. Don't suppose you all have any thoughts.
Apartment ...
Aight, now this is just a possibility, I haven't checked on this yet. I thought I'd see if there is interest first.

My aunt Donna here in Des Moines has a couple of apartments that last I knew were not in use. One is in her basement, the other is the house next door. As I said I've not checked yet to see if she's interested in getting tenants in there but are you crazy blokes still apartment hunting or have you settled into ie. signed up for one already. The arrangement could be set up so that current residents could be in house and Tim could add on with the basement apartment later or some other manner of mixing, I really don't remember how many bedrooms the house had. If you think you might be interested I can contact her for numbers and expectations of tenants, not sure but I think her rates might be better than some of the fees around Des Moines.

This is a bit of a Dante/Faustian deal, I'll not reveal at this time what the cost will be but for me complicating my situation there may be some debt at later time plus my 10% of soul finders fee. I think there were also a couple of things that may have needed fixed on one of the properties but I can probably take care of that on a day off (just a plumbing fixture needed reset I think).

Comments? I'll check back later, this seemed to be fastest way to contact the interested parties. Apologies to those not involved in this dark bargain, I'll clear the line for other hijinx. Let me know if I should follow up this lead.
What a weird day...
All right, do I honestly look like a terrorist?
It had to be the red hair, black leather jacket and scarf. I really work for a sect of terrorists I guess. I got stopped today in Dublin and had my bag gone through, had my coat gone through, had them inspect my film even. What the hell? I don't know.
Anyways, the flight wasn't bad, as I didn't have to sit by anyone, thus the extra leg room on that 10 hour flight was much appreciated. However, the 2-hour delay from Chicago to DSM was not.
All in all it was a good trip, however, something completely odd happened to me in Chicago. As I was sitting in the terminal, my phone rang, and never in a million years would I have guessed who it was. Of all people, it was Michelle. Yes Michelle. She and I talked about half an hour, and it was sheer nuttiness...
Yes, so, I'm home now, and am heading to bed, as I have seen 2 countries, 4 airports, and too damn many timezones. To all a good night, and a better tomorrow, and luck with the apartment and job findings.
Au revoir for now.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
I don't wanna be serious, ever...
Failed attempts at super heroes.
this is only for GOATHEAD and RYAN. Any other readers will be hunted down and disemboweled.
Hey, Goathead: more about possible future apartments:

If you, your cellphone-sellin oompaloompah and his coffee making girlfriend really are interested in having a fourth, I might be interested as wellllll. I mean, at least I'll never worry about having someone to drink with. Have any places in mind yet? I'd like to live somewhere with my own room for all kinds of reasons (mostly sick . . . so sick). That's yeah . . . pretty much my only question right now. I figure once summer hits I'll start looking around that area for jobs.

In other news, we got a submission at work Monday titled "The Thing I Hate Most About Ninjas is that Ninjas are So Much Like Me." I haven't read it yet. It's fiction.

Well, I'm done writing now . . . DONE WRITING LIKE A FOX!

Or am I? Ooooh. Hey, if you're feeling at all Matrixy, I just found out Neil Gaiman has a short story up on the Matrix site. I can't link directly to it, so if you're interested go to the site, click breaking news, and scroll down through about a foot of text. It's the green link immediatley following the green link "ARTISTIC FREEDOM."
small change
I've shifted to a different team at Target. With planogram now, we reset the displays instead of just mindless shelve stocking. Biggest change is now I'm pulling more hours during the week. I'm going to get some weekend time back. I don't know what that's like I've been working weekends for most of my time at Target. Scariest thing I've noticed is how conditioned you can become to a situation without realizing it. Like now I feel skittish outside the stockrooms, almost agoraphobic. Kept twitching expecting a manager to come over and bitch about speed or just lecture in general. I'm rather angry about realizing I let myself get that institutionaized. Anyhow, had some other random thoughts and postulations for discussion but apparently the general mood of things has gone in to some serious vein about American culture so I'll shut up and get ready for work.
We need complete silence, so your Digital Ruler can approacheth
I added a... Chatbox/comment thingy over on the right. Feel free to chatter away (it only saves the top 15 lines or so though, I don't know how that works exactly). It's javascript, which I find kinda icky, but it shouldn't cause too many problems. How fun.

Well, don't let me interrupt the flow of serious posts about war and whatnot.
Up all night like Gilbert Gottfried.
Harken and take heed.
New e-maille address.

Because I'm bloody tired of 400-odd pieces of trash to every 1 message of importance.
(insert chorus of Vikings singing about spam)

In other news, my roommate's a bitch. fuck. cum-gurgling gutter-slut interesting individual.

He says "hi" by the way.

I heard an interesting story from Airforce Dude Chad the other day. He'd just gotten back from Over There Where the War Is.
Some girl from California was protesting something in Israel.
Positioned herself bodily in front of a bulldozer that was blocking off a street the way only a bulldozer can.
Guess what happened.
Yeah. She got run over. Being a princess from California didin't man poo to that bulldozer, or the person driving it
No one punished the driver because, well, the chick stepped out in front of him. It's not like he chased her down with the thing..

Don't get me wrong, This is a horrible thing. But it made alot of people stop and think.
"Hi, I'm American" might not be the all-powerful phrase some people tend to think it is.

Edit. Section removal. Hah.

Andy's post also got me thinking.
10 people died last weekend. They were given a 5-minute segment on the evening news.
Then Andy changed the channel.
I'm sure alot of people did.

Before I say anything else, Andy, I'm not bashing you, nor calling you out on anything. Just so you know.

I think war is a surreal thing to our generation. Nearly every generation befor ours has been involved in some massive war or other. I'm not up on my history too well, but I know the Revolutionary war lasted a while...
1812 sticks out in my mind as having a war around it. Civil war. That mess involving the Alamo, whatever that was. World Wars one and two. Vietnam...

And hey, there are movies on each and every one.
Movies...where only the peon characters get killed. Few acceptions.
We grew up watching these movies. Grew up with the subconsious idea that only unimportant people actually get killed in wars. Our media reflects this.
A 5 minute segment reflects this.

Wars are surreal. We're surprised people get killed in them at all. Much less 10. Much less 10,000. Wars are the rantings of old crazy men on street-corners with cardboard signs that say "will ork for food" or movies with John Wayne, Ben Afflek, or Mel Gibson.
We're so padded in our world of lawsuits and cell phones and pizza delivery. It doesn't strike us as something real.

Some guys you don't know got killed in a place most can't even find on a map.

In other news, Ben and Jennifer broke up and Jennifer's all upset because Ben cheated and she's giving back the 50-bazillion dollar ring he gave her and telling him to stick it where the sun don't shine. Not that anyone should care, but by God we'll make you care because you worship these people. these people are Main Characters. These people make us money and so you should care how many times a week they take a breath!

Oh, and some other guys were shot down somewhere.

Also on the news front; Britney and her Vagas wedding! Holy Shit! Who'd have thought America's biggest whore would pull such a stunt as this the end of her romp with Madonna? Who cares? You do! She'll do anything to keep your attention! even shit soft-serve, strawberry ice cream! Let's watch!

Also, Dr. Phil's new self-help book. "How to be as Great as I am."

I think somewhere we've lost our prioreties.
Not lost track of them, no.
Lost them completely.

I'm about to say something that might bother some people. And I'm apologizing for it because I've grown up in the same padded-cell American system as everyone else.

We've lost our prioreties, yes.
We've lost our honor, too.
If we had any sense of honor and self-discipline, we'd never have lost our prioreties.
Sex, self-advancement, and money are our goals in life. In no particular order.
Being a good person doesn't matter anymore.
Fighting and dying for your country? That's not fun.
Fighting and dying for someone else's country? Whatthefuck is wrong with you, dude. That's neither fun, nor sexy. Besides, that's self-sacrificial, isn't it? How can people adore you if you're dead? If you sacrifice your life so someone you don't even know can sleep safe at night, how can you make money? You'll never get to watch Britney Spears poop, that's for sure.

Made this something of a meandering, Tolstoy-length tome of this one...
didn't mean to.
I'll shut up, now.

I'm comming home
All righty, its 4:00 am CST, but 10:00 here. I just thought I would post that I'm heading home in a few hours, and should be in DSM by 9:00 pm. Thats a damn long time to travel...and it should be interesting. Well, I'm heading down to the River Shanon for some last pictures here this morning, then sayin goodbye to folks here. Time to fly!
Monday, April 19, 2004
In Perspective
Ten US soldiers died over the weekend.

I saw this on CNN and Fox news last night when I got back home...or John's...or whatever I should refer to the place I live as. Each station only spent about five minutes talking about this. Then they went on to talk about the war in Iraq in general.

Five minutes for these ten guys who died. I can't even describe how that made me feel. It made my stomach hurt for one thing. I kept thinking about all that I'd done over the weekend. The things I was doing while they were dying. I wondered if I was drinking while they were getting shot. Or maybe I was sitting in the movie theatre while they were being bombarded by rockets and grenades.

Then I thought about how I had complained about little problems I had in my life. I had spent a good part of the weekend pissed off because my phone wasn't working. I was also really bummed out because my boss wouldn't give me permission to apply for a job in the communications dept. All of my problems suddenly seemed very petty and I felt dirty for having been so concerned with them while someones son, someones brother, someones husband died needlessly. They may have thought they were dying to protect my freedom or the freedom of the Iraqi people...who knows? Who knows what they were thinking before they died.

Anyway, I couldn't take it anymore so I changed the channel and tried not to think about it. MTV was having a famous face marathon or something. I watched like an hour and a half of people getting plastic surgery to make themselves look more like their favorite celebrities. One such soul was a cute blonde girl who had done a pictorial in Playboy's College magazine. That was not enough for our aspiring star however, she wanted the bigtime nude model stardom. She wanted to look like Pamela Anderson. The poor girl had to suffer through the excruciating process of breast implants and lip injections. It looked like she was just in pure misery after she got out of the hospital. Luckily for her she was able to get another pictorial with playboy after the swelling went down and the fat bitch lost some weight. So her dream came true thanks to plastic surgery. Doesn't that just warm your fucking heart?!? I know I sure as shitbaskets slept better last night after watching that horrific piece of cockloving trash!!!
He dug up Freud's corpse and beat it with an array of phallic objects.
It's been a fun few days of considering where to look for employment after graduation. So far I've narrowed it down to Not Pizza Hut. Think I'm going to be looking outside of Albia. In fact, that is definite. Unless for some reason I gain a compulsion to man a gas station/restaurant counter.

As for living, I'm going to build my own cardboard mansion. I might even start a business as a cardboard mansion contractor.

Talked to Goraczkowski last night. Lacy called from Ireland and put on K, who was feeling very Irish at the time.

Sunday, April 18, 2004
...just wrong. Even for me.
Almost time...
Well, thus far, Ireland has rocked my socks off. It really is fantastic, however tomorrow is my last day here. Well, I am leaving on Tuesday, but I just thought I would say hello to all. Let you know I'm still alive. Bye for now. It wasn't much of an update...How were the birthdays Mel and Ryan? Hope it was wonderful.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Kill Bill Volume 2....BADASS
Kill Bill volume 2 was seen by me today. HOLY SHIT ON A FUCKING FLAMING GOLDEN STICK is nt worthy to describe my shock and awe of this movie. Bill is like Bil. Thats the only spoiler I will say. The movie is badass. You all HAVE to go see it. But see the 1st one cuz youll be lost if you dont.

Has anyone heard of the Dim Mak, or the Art of Pressure Point Fighting? It harbors the FIVE FINGER DEATH ATTACK, a very disturbing and powerful Shaolin attack that is not publically displayed and not openly taught. Why? It uses pressure points to induce a very light, weakly painful attack. However...the victim dies days later from a heart attack that is inflicted with the blow. The heart isnt the only thing that can be affected: the liver, digestive track, even the spine can be destroyed with this attack. Why do I bring this up? Tom was talking about action flix and mentioned one called KISS OF THE DRAGON. Which is one of these pressure points. Oh, and mebbe 3 of 5 kung fu movies have such an attack. Its all very true shit. So I figure that Ill learn this black art and enter fighting tournaments as Hobo King. Then I can be all like "Are you OOOOOKAY!!!" and "GET IN THE CAR" and "MY LEGS ARE A BROKEN!!" and "SURE YOU CAN!" and the infamous art of Down, DownForward, Forward-Punch.
Friday, April 16, 2004
It's my party and I'll make people cry if I want to.
Happy Birthday, Ryan...

Happy Birthday, me...
Ah Dublin...
Ireland Update:
I just got back from a few days in Dublin with Lacy. It was most interesting. We tried finding a place to stay, and ended up getting this apartment for 2 nights. It was pretty good, considering we payed 150 Euros for the two of us for two nights, and got 20 back. And the pub was just around the corner, as well as the rest of mainstream Dublin. Ah so yes, we went to see the Book of Kells, which is the second most important historical book in the entire world (second to the Bible) Then we went around the Dublin Castle cathedral and other things (the castle itself was actually closed *sigh*) Other things we saw were mostly just around Dublin, which was fecking huge, really it was.
Other than that, I can't really say much else, except everything here is just so very beautiful, really it is. For instance, there are these huge old beautiful cathedrals all around, and stone walls, etc. I can't describe it. However, I am taking plenty of pictures, and picking up things for people that catch my eye. I hope all is well with everyone back in the states. I'll keep you all (hopefully) posted. Bye for now!
I'm Phallical!
Well. Today was a waste of 24 hours. First off, had a dream I was thrown from a helicopter over the ocean and into a pod of sleeping whales. *ERAGH!* They sleep vertically, dont cha know? Well anywho, I went to class and my english teacher, Cruella DeVille, gave us a break from 1255-240. Class gets out at 330. I didnt stay. I came home. Fuck it. I cant skip that class anymore cuz a lot of folks fail it. So I get back and challenge Tom, roomie, to a SSBM duel. He wins ONLY because i ran into a crate and it exploded. So therell be a rematch TONITE.

Later on, I went on a walk in the blisterin 78 degree weather. Twas nice. Then I went shopping for groceries. I was damn parched so Dmitri and I ended up buying a lot of juice, Koolaid, and soda. Its kind of the opposite of shopping hungry. Whilst shopping at Wal Mart, it occured to me no one has wrote a song about Wal Mart to the theme of "Under the Board Walk": Shoppin at Wal Mart. Ill be gettin great deals. Shopping at Wal Mart. Thirty-three cents a pound Veal. Shopping at Wal Mart. WAL MART.

So after all that I talked to a drunken Sarah whilst I tried to get blitzed off of a very tall no avail. My decent lookin RA came in the room for a cupcake too but I dont think she saw the booze bottle sittin out. Or did she? Shes easily bribed with candy or cupcakes, so I shouldnt be worried. And should I pursue her? Nah. Churchy Shim Dave from '97 could prolly get her. Shes one of them "date religous and devote guys who are very worldly" sorta girls but shes cool enough to have a convo with about anything. ANd she watches R rated movies like no other.

Which brings me more so to the Blog. I went back and read the comments from the Black Post Day. Holy shit. If we had knives and guns and robot suits, we'd all be fucked. Im glad Mau was a voice of reason (sorry Kelly, but Mau got to be the Goldfish for that day). We should all shake her hand and give her thanks. She saved us just like that guy in that Mel Gibson movie....uh...whats his name...OH yah. Pontias....wait....Im lost. Point is, lets just eat marshmallows and drink Canada Dry Ginger Ale from hence forth every full moon till....ergh. Im bein distracted.

Mayhaps when I come down for summer break (June 18th BABY!!!) I can persuade Mau to come along as well?! Thatd be fucking hella cool. Plus itd be nice to have most of the gang back together from high school, which would go well with that fucking stupid wedding. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.

What would happen if Tim and I had our fantasies melted together?

Now...Ill go feast on some babies. Protestant Style.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
D Kristol and L Montulli are bastards
Can anyone explain to me why the fuck, when URL's are not case-sensitve, cookie paths are? Four damn hours spent thinking I'm missing something major because I send a cookie to the browser and it comes right back and the cookie seems to be gone. Maybe I should blame Microsoft for sticking to the RFC, or for making a damn server property that ignores the case used by the browser in favor of the case used by the directory. They're all dirty whores. Whatever. At least I was on the company's time and not my own.

Oh, and Don't click here. Heh.

Well, thanks to George W. BITCH traffic was horrible downtown today. My route to work takes me right past the front of the Marriott hotel where he was speaking. Quite the crowd had shown up and the police were directing traffic with poor efficiency.

I did get a chance to read some of the signs people were carrying. A bearded guy in a ballcap was holding a big piece of cardboard that read "Preemptive strike= Premeditated Murder", written in what looked like blue crayon. That was pretty cool. There were also quite a few people who came in support of Bush, many of which were attractive young ladies....and that was not so cool... Bush apparently has some kind of hypnotic effect on impressionable young women, especially the good-looking ones.

If any of you more computer savvy people would like to make some money I have a proposition for you. If you're interested email me at cause thats the only mail I can check at work
I got a touch and tell yesterday. For a dollar. It is fun to screw with. Its all like funky random sequence of sounds, distorted wierd ass cat noise, etc. So basically it rulez. I want more things. Oh yes...
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Oh Heaven help us all. Does everyone remember that fucking old woman who lived next door to me? The one who called the cops about us squealing The Van's tires and the one who I told had Bitch Bees, right up her ass? Well Holy Shit. That woman wants to start trouble. So my sister took one of our dogs (not Mamma Sookie, the other big barking menace) outside to shit&stuff when she waddles her "handicapped parking yet I walk normally for a fossilized neanderthal who harbors bitch bees, in my ass mind you" carcuss outside with her redneck son (who, as it turns out, was runoff from his fucking mom's leaking sodomised asshole) and start yelling such things as "fuck" "Shit" "cunt whore" get the picture. So why did they waddle out and start the End Times? Because a dog...was BARKING...OUTSIDE....IN THE AFTERNOON. So when I return to Albia, Im changing my job class from Student to Hobo King and kicking this in the ass. Hobo Kings are invulnerable to 1000 BitchBee Sting Attack, as well I went and leveled up to level 27. Then Ill get the Magicite of Alexander and get everyone Pearl. Whoohoo!!! FUCKING OLD PEOPLE! I swear to God that she is just ASKING for me to let loose my bent up anger and rage. It will be awesome fucking an oppossum. Hell, ill be the Bees Knees for this ass whooping of Hobo King Delight!!!!

...Did anyone see the Passion of the Jews South Park? That was the best interpretation of Mel Gibson ever!
Funkier than thou
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is goin on. All the ladies at work think I look like Paul Reiser and I want my long hair back.


And yeah, the Bush thing last night: Comical! Isn't it nice to know we have someone suffering from down syndrome running the country?

I swear, fucking pull everyone out of Iraq and just nuke the place. While you're at it, just fucking nuke the Chinese too. What the fuck, why not just nuke the French for fun while you're at it! "Vat iz diss? Ze Americans, zey haz sent uz ze fireworks?"

So...on a more sane note, I am the funkiest man alive. Oh, yes, its true. I know you're thinking, "No, he lies! There is no way he can be funkier than me!" Fuck you, I am the funkiest. There are none funkier. All who wish to be funky must pay homage to me. Bitch.
I no longer have a reason to live.
Severe disillusionment here. For the past three years the dining center has occasionally served us baskets of "Stealth Fries" with our burgers. These fries are thin and smooth. I thought it was so cool that we were eating stealth fries, although it seemed odd that the dining fools would name our food with a term primarily used in espionage movies.

Well, today I did an internet search for 'stealth fries' and found out it's just some corporate product name. No, these fries are not genetically altered to make me extra sneaky, or able to cling to ceilings, or destroy you with a shuriken from 400 yards.
Are you okay? BUSTAA WOOLF!
Busy day yesterday. Krazy Karl is on spring break so we decided to get up early* and actually do something cool... Like go to DM and see Hellboy. So we met shawk at Southridge and browsed books for a while (I decided on a whim to pick up a book that I had enjoyed when I was a kid -- it's not as good as I remembered it to be).

Also stopped to look at some movies and games. I fell victim to Zombie madness and picked up both Dawn and Day of the Dead on DVD. So yes, look for more zombie quote pimpage in the future from me. (monki, I haven't forgot about that txt file I'm supposed to be sending you... I'm still getting inspirado on it though). Also managed to snag Garou: Mark of the Wolves for the Dreamcast. Spending the amount of $waytoofuckingmuch.

When I got back from DM, there was an envelope taped to my door. Turns out that my landlord had been trying to get ahold of me all day while I was gone. Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of irony.

So aside from being $80 poorer, it was a pretty good day.
Soylent Green. A product of the people, by the people, and for the people...
Try to find one good cult film in this town...


I should shut up now before I start sounding like Nick...
Does Dave have to choke a bitch?
Argh. I thought I had something to rant about...but I forgot...

I've won a Buy1Get1 Dew the last friggin 5 times. So I've gotten 10 dews for 6 bucks.

Hmmm....I guess I dont have anything to cry about. Cept Bush's speech. The Prez just seemed to be stumbling over his responses and kept returning to the fact he helped Amarrca during Sept. 11th and the Iraq-nam. Ugh. Dont get me started on it.

"Did YOU KNOW...that Pandas solved the Great Russian Hopscotch Mystery of 1942?"--the Panda Man.

EDIT: Visit my homepage. 'nah!
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Three Unrelated and Not-All-That-Important Thoughts
The residents of my building got another email today from our exceedingly hip hall coordinator. He's a late-20s/early-30s white guy who reminds me of Schwarte, except in all his correspondnece with us he like . . . well, he's like the dad who walks into his kids room and is like, "Hey, my homie, let's do some coooool things." So far he's used the words 'supafly,' 'bootylicious,' 'peeps,' and many, many more.

Wells, you scurvy dog, that was my first and only shower of the day. I just didn't take it till 9 pm.

I just finished reading an essay about autists for my philosophy class. It's out of a book called 'An Anthropologist on Mars' by neurologist Oliver Sacks, and contains a bunch of essays on various unique cases he's dealt with. The one I just read was about this autistic kid who was a crazy good drawer when most kids were learning to hold a crayon properly. A bunch of other examples were given of people who couldn't really hold up a social conversation or have a complete understanding of the world around them but who were almost eerily able to create music, art, etc.

Get funky!
Who are you?
Crackwhorekitten? Who are you?!?!? Its like Deep Throat in the Nixon scandal. Tell me and Ill give you some nummy rocks.
Thought for the day.
In the course of the normal day you are usually looking out for number one, but when you find yourself surrounded by monkeys, look out for number two...
I'm here!!!!
Well guys, I'm here in Ireland, having a wonderful time. For all of you its onl 7:35 am, and here it is almost 2 pm. Wacky wacky stuff, however the time change is not bad. Flights were good and uneventful, and all is well. I hope everything is going well for you all. Ryan, happy (early) birthday from the Emerald Isle. Well, I've got to go and see what things I can get myself into today! Cheers!
Go away or I shall TAUNT you a second time!
Oh buddy boy. I saw Kill Bill vol. 1 tonite for the first time. Holy shit. Its like...Nick wrote a movie, Wes improved the names, and I made the battle sequences. Oh and Amish put his fucking two bits in on one liners. I must say Im very excited that my new roommate Tom is payin my way in to see Volume 2. So Hah hah hah! A bad thing (the only one) with Tom moving in is the fact that he has EVERY fuggin system. Xbox, Cube, PS2, N64, Dreamcast, SNES, NES, Genesis, GBA, and a fucking Virtual Boy to boot. I know what will make me fail classes now. . .

In other news, Im drinking a coke I brought back from Iowa and had sitting in my cup holder in me car. Theres a ring of silver around where the cup holder was, showing how bad my shocks are and/or how much the cup holder shakes when I drive. I swear I bought a 6 pack of Dew on my way to Iowa but I only drank 3 of em. So Weed Wagon, ergo visa vie, is turning into Benny.

As well, Bil pointed me towards a Mario World Editor. Deeper digging on my part has gotten me a hack of Mario World w/ a shit load of extra sprites like Shy Guys and the lil Ninja guys. Totally sweet things will occur as soon as i figure out the damn editor. Any idears what I can do for a level?

Plus, in a finally speaking way...Kelly hopefully made it to Ireland. :( No one to rant to in the evenings. Tim too damn jittery with his five second online spits i can barely get a sentence from him w/o him spazzing off to shower for the 50th time in said day (feel like Nick bitching about tim's habits) Eh. All shall pass.
Monday, April 12, 2004
Let's force Lucas and Garrett to mate at gunpoint.
Did anyone else watch 'Amazing Stories' back in the day? It was on in the 80s, a Twilight Zone-esque series about all manner of goofy stuff. I loved it. Anyway, I just ofund out that on a couple dates in May the scifi channel will be airing old episodes in big ol' chunks. Yeeha.

Right now said channel is airing a very wacky movie about fairy photographers in late 19th Century. The story isn't all that interesting, but everything else is so well done that I'm playing it in the background while I spew forth a paper's worth of junk for class tomorrow.

That's it, beetches!

Also, next time I'm back we should watch 'Ravenous.' I picked it up a while ago for five bucks in memory of Nick, and it was surprisingly good. Sorta goofy/campy/original mixture of vampire/wendigo/frontier life stuff. I'm goin' slash crazy!
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Hey, I have a mission for you guys. I somehow don't imagine you folks end up at yard sales and second hand stores much. But if you do anytime soon I'm looking to get my hands on Speak & Spells, Speak & Maths, Speak & Reads, and similar oldish toys that have sound boards in them. I want to take them and rewire them to make primitive sound synthesizers. It will be cool. So anyway, if you find any of them in your travels, and they are relatively cheap(ie something under $10, perferably under $5, use your own discretion) , please get them. I'll pay you back, it will be grand. P.S. To see what the hell I'm talking about check it out here or here.
Goodbye for a while.
If anyone cares, I'm leaving Monday for Ireland at 3:30 pm, CST. I'll be gone a little over a week. Happy Easter.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
I know I'm a little late on this, but I'd like to thank bil for his post. I think it was great. I'm not sure I can offer anything else besides that. The other day was stupid and I feel like we all know that and have moved on to goofier things. Like watching Heather pee.

When it comes to shooting your mouth off and saying things you shouldn't, I'm the fucking master. I should teach classes in college or something. Especially when I'm drunk. They say when the spirits go in, the truth comes out and I'll just add that to the list of about 70billion reasons why I should probably stop drinking. But nights like last night will always bring me back to the bottle. Ryan, Tim and I were reunited for the first time in about a month or so and it was a joyous occasion. Sorry the rest of you missed it, but we'll be in Albia tonight.

I think I'm gonna move to Las Vegas this summer and become a professional poker player. I know damn well Amish will want to come too and the offer is on the table for the rest of you. I'm thinking Ryan could become a lounge singer, Kevin could be a pimp, Amish could fix cars and the rest of you could get the booze delivery service started. I have a feeling Vegas would be the perfect place for something like that. And if it doesn't work out we could just drink the leftover product.

and thems the fat nuggets of wisdom honey!!!
Sentence fragments are a bad fuck.
Thursday. 70 degree weather. Lil rainy but pretty much nice. Friday morning/afternoon. 60's and cloudy. Ok. Friday evening. 40's and light snow. No chance of it sticking. Fuck that. We have over an inch now. and its comin down fuckinig hard. Why does this have to happen?! Old Man Winter is a child molesting asshole. Thats why.
Friday, April 09, 2004
Cuddly pets.
In case anyone just can't live without any more information about the camel spider, check out this informative video!.
Time travel is gay.
Hoo boy. Found out a very bad thing this morning. Remember how I was discharged (heheheh) from the army before the war? Yeah. My Reserves unit in Iowa City was deployed to Iraq a year after I was booted for bein a fat kid. Turns out they have been in Iraq for a 8 months now (4 months of training before deploying) and they've been forced to stay for another year. Holy Shit. Ill have to remember this because if I time travel and accidentally kill a butterfly or get a slice of pizza out of my current path of history, I might very well be in Iraq and not writing this blog!!! HOLY SHIT! My brain is going to explode over this continuity.

EDIT as of 1232 hours 6 americans have died in Fahita, Iraq. Not right.
As a child I strived to be a professional nude model.
Holy Grail was out in theaters recently as well. Very bizarre. I saw the poster up in Des Moines once and had to stare at it for a while.

Completely unrelated to the events of the past couple days, a change of plans is sending me to Des Moines tonight. I haven't seen Goat in . . . over a month. But I will be in Albia Saturday evening through way too damn early sunday morning. And I will be sending out psychic brainwashing waves to lure Bil into town. Starting . . . . now.

I want to write more but my thoughts are all disjointed. I think somebody laced my Trix with something.

I forgot, I also wanted to write about how utterly fearful I am of Sunday morning. With Easter coming up and me being home, I'm sure my mother will want me to attend the Sunday morning service. And unless things at my old church have changed significantly in the past few years, the Easter service begins at six or six-thirty AM. Which means that if I go it'll be on like . . . two hours of sleep. Extreme tiredness + back in church + people I haven't seen in a while + memories of burger comics past + Harris preaching = pants-wetting and probably hallucinations. So I'm not sure what to do.

Anyway, I'm guessing Saturday night will be just like most others? I'm up for suggestions on how to spice it up (with some sombreros!).
and now for something completely different
Monty Python's the Life of Brian to be rereleased in US theaters. Possibly my all-time favorite movie on the big screen? Oh yeah.

...on friends and friendship.
One of the really great things about my job is the solitude and rote work. Not that those things are necessarily good in and of themselves, mind you, but it certainly allows me to get a lot of thinking done. So while I walked around the Print Shop today, doing my duties, my thoughts drifted back to the day on the Blog and then to my friends and eventually onto friendship in general. I think it was pretty obvious that I am unhappy with a certain thing that happened on here the day before yesterday, but even more so was the shock over the way everyone else handled my reaction to it. It seemed that of all of you, only monki and Tim realized what was going on, and everyone else automatically took a kneejerk reaction against me. That hit me pretty hard, especially since I consider you all my friends, and I did figure that you would all realize what was going on and essentially help me. This got me to thinking about friendship in general, and I just started writing after I got home... So this is kind of rambling and emotional. Sorry. But I get to the point, eventually.

. . .

I realized that I haven't had a lot of friends. I don't mean that in an anti-social sense, but in the sense that I picked them carefully and the few friends I made, I kept; I never felt that I needed any more than a handful of real friends. This is the exact opposite of my sister, who made sure she had a circle of 10 or so friends, but who those 10 were fluctuated and changed with the weeks. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll get to that bit in the High School section.

My first ever friend's name was Ernie. Ernie Mieczerkowitz. I'm not entirely sure if I spelled that right, because I don't own anything from that time of my life anymore that could tell me. But I still remember my friend's name. I was friends with Ernie throughout the 1st grade. I had just moved from Centerville where I had attended a Catholic preschool and I had never had any close friends. Ernie had the distinction of being not only my first friend, but the one who lived closest to me. I remember that I could bike down to the apartment he shared with his dad which was in a small shoddy apartment complex a few blocks away from my house, and take turns playing the original Zelda on his Nintendo after school. None of you would know Ernie. After grade 1 was over, I went to his apartment during the first week of summer vacation and nobody was there.

Nor the next day, nor the next.

Eventually, I stopped biking down and checking. The first day of school, 2nd grade, came and Ernie wasn't in class. During roll call, his name wasn't called. I've never seen Ernie since.

I didn't have any friends through the second grade.

In third grade, we got a new student. From the thick, round glasses (I wasn't in glasses for another year, I believe) to the Beatles-style mop of black hair, to the collared 3-button striped shirts it was plainly obvious: the new kid was a total fucking dork. Martin and I ignored each other for about half the year. During a swap meet, wherein the kids would trade a toy or other small item with each other, Martin and I happened to end up swapping. I don't remember what the items were, exactly, but I remember that we both really liked each other's stuff and ended up talking about our interests, which also happened to be quite similar. Plus we really liked each other's stuff. It didn't take long before we were fast friends, due mainly to mutual interests and, well, the liking of each other's stuff. I don't really have to tell you how this one turned out. Just look two posts below this one. Although the "each other's stuff" bit became fairly lopsided over the years as Martin would go on to continually accrue more and far superior stuff than me.

Things were pretty stable on the friendship front through the end of Elementary. I didn't really so much as talk to anyone except for Martin, but we'd talk about books, TV shows, cartoons, toys, and of course, video games. After graduating from Elementary, Martin and I went on to Middle School. This involved the somewhat frightening prospect of mixing with the other Elementary schools. That event would prove to be a big shakeup to my friendship paradigm.

I don't remember this quite as well as my meeting with Martin, but I do believe I met Jason first. Jason was from the Lovilia school, and he was a big jolly guy that I liked immediately. He liked to laugh. Jason introduced Martin and I to his other friends: Morgan, Jesse, and Scott. The five of us became a fairly close group of friends and hung out all the time in and outside of school. Eventually, Scott would move away and the 4 of us that were left would go on to the Albia High School. I'm glossing over a lot of shit, but I don't remember much of it. AD&D on the weekends was fun. School was not so fun, but tolerable.

I didn't like High School though. There were way too many people there for my tastes (I didn't like crowds, even then). Plus, most of them were really incredibly stupid. Luckily, I had my Group. We stuck to ourselves, eating often out on a bench right outside the cafeteria rather than with the other kids. We got picked on a lot, unless Jason was around. Nobody fucked with us when Jason was around. I have a lot of vivid memories from High School, but most of them were bad. The gauntlet in the hallways. Phys Ed. The summers were different though. Because Martin lived out of town and my other friends were all in/around Lovilia the summers started off being pretty dull and boring. Then came the pool.

I always liked to swim, and I was actually pretty good at it. I've got some medals somewhere, mostly endurance stuff. But anyways, I loved the water. After a few weeks at the pool, I kept running into the same trio of wacky people and we'd start joking around or playing paddleball (flipflop on the hand for a bat, tennis ball for a ball. First base is the ladder, second base is.... over there in the water someplace, and third was the 2ft marker on the edge). After a while, we started actually meeting to hang out at the pool. I didn't learn their names for probably a month or two, and they continued calling me Cohan for the better part of... Well, actually it's going on 12 years now for some of them. One of them was this tall lanky guy with a huge melon. He was the goofiest. The other one was a shorter, chunky guy that knew everything about everything-- you know, if you asked him. And finally was teh girl. We'd meet at the pool when it opened (1:30) and stay until it closed (8:00). That was pretty much my summer for quite a few years.

High School sucked, but it had it's bright moments, and that was those friends. We fought and called each other's names, but we never broke the friendships over shit like that. Friendships were more important than words. Which brings me, in a sense, to my sister.

Having a sister that is a scant 2-years younger than you is interesting. On the one hand, there's all her cute friends. On the other hand, it's all her cute, albeit crazy psycho-bitch friends that stalked you. But more interesting was how my sister handled her friends as opposed to me. Jen was popular, and I was not, which certainly made a difference. Martin and I had been friends for quite a few years. The Lovilia gang had been my friends for a few less, but still a plural amount of years. We called each other names, and made fun of each other constantly, but there was no breaks. We didn't throw temper tantrums over a name-calling or a slam, because that was a part of the group dynamic. We grew more and more adept at zinging each other, I can remember in particular Martin and I getting into religious discussions that would always degenerate into mocking the names of each other's particular faith during lunch.


On the other side of the coin, I saw my sister go through practically the entire roster of the females in her grade in a matter of months. Jen and her friends would never fight or call each other names, until The Big Blowup which would shatter the friendship of the two and often cause a near-catfight and left the two bitterly discussing the other's slutty ways. The two would reconcile a few months later, only to go through the same sordid ordeal sooner or later. I watched this revolution, mystified, because it was nothing like my own approach. Sure, I would call Martin a "dumbass protestant farmer" and he would shoot back with, "ok you fuckin' Mary-worshipping subnormal."

......and then he'd hit me, with a flourish.

But there were never any hysterics, no breaking of friendships or death-threats. We never screamed "I hate you" at each other. We, and our friendships, were better than that and stronger than that. Jen was superficial. It had to look good, not be good. I still don't understand that, even though I see it still in some people today.

During the last year or so of High School, of course, the Pool crew showed up, bringing with them a neurotic little bundle of dark insanity/genius named Dave. Wes, who I had become pretty good friends with through nights spent at the Beary house anyways, hung out with them also and I became friends with them and some of their extended web of friends like Kevin, Amish, and Ryan. Meanwhile, Martin met Kenny through band and we forced him to drive us to his house after school, where we'd play video games and mock each other and Ken's friend Steele throughout the evening, until I would make Kenny drive me home while Martin drove back to his house. (he had a school liscense, but the path took him past the Kearney house).

After graduation, most of the my original crew dissipated. Jesse went off somewhere, I think he was studying robotics. Martin and Morgan went on to college, and I started taking programming classes at IHCC to prepare for a jump to a real college. (no offense to IHCC students). Jason got "saved" and, while he does still live in nearby Knoxville, it just... Isn't the real Jason anymore. I miss the real Jason. I became somewhat closer to the Pool crew, and Karl entered the scene around this time, thanks in no small part to my parent's divorce and subsequent living quarters in an apartment that was mostly empty on the weekends as my mother went to visit her boyfriend/affair guy. I'm sure I don't have to recount too much on The Apartment. Maybe someone else could fill in some blanks.

In fact, I don't really have to tell the rest of the story, since most of you were now there for it and that's pretty close to now. I moved to Chariton, and then back to Albia, and then back to Chariton again...

Some of you were mentioned in this tome, and some of you weren't. But, some time in the future when I have to break out the story of my past and present friends to a new group of friends, right there after the Apartment I'll have to start listing down "the Attic Apartment crew."

To wind this down, I'd like to address what exactly happened here at 8:30 yesterday morning as I composed my now-rather-infamous post. After finishing off my regular evening surfing, I checked the blog and discovered Andy and Ryan's posts for the day. I read through Andy's and shook my head at his comment towards shawk, "Then you have guys like Morgan who JUST NEVER TRY!" and chuckled. It was a zing, yes, but I knew Andy, and I could read through the context that he was joking. shawk responded in kind in the reply, but I really would have just shook my head and stayed out of that one. That's why I never posted anything about Andy, even though he essentially did the same thing I lashed out at Ryan for.

Which brings me to Ryan's post. Unlike Andy's taunt, Ryan was not trying to be silly or funny or "zing," he was being vindictive and trying to hurt. You could read it, feel it. It was pounded into every key. He was using his sentences like a weapon, aiming for something that wasn't vital, but that would leave a scar. It was malice, pure and simple.

This was not funny. This was not me and Martin calling each other "yoo bastard" and "cockmonkey." This was a line of spite, purely intended to hurt someone.

In (ye ol' 20/20) hindsight, I shouldn't have tried to fight fire with fire. I should have been more mature, and not had an equal and opposite reaction. Without my post, I'm sure this would have died down and only one person would have been hurt, instead of causing trouble to the whole group. Vengeance against something like this will never fix the problem, but will only make it worse.

So, sorry about that and I hope this isn't where I have to close my chapter on the Attic Apartment.

I'm willing to keep talking about this, like adults, or to drop it now. I don't care about which way it goes, as long as it is acted upon in a mature fashion. Although it would probably be better for all involved to get back to pictures of giant spiders and jokes about gay siamese twins than having to deal with this heavy shit.

I'm worn out, physically and emotionally. So I'm going to bed now.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Ever search for your name on google? I did. Drunkenly. Look what I found!!!

Be ye warned if you try this yourself.....
All hail...err!
Woot, I'm finally in. In the immortal words of Special Ed "YAAAAAAYYY!!!!"

Of course, must be careful not to piss anybody off with my first post...

So, here's an inspirational quote...

The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this:
You're a Siamese twin
Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.
You're not.
He has a date coming over tonight.
You only have one ass.

Oh, and I know how to make links.

Unfortunately...I don't know how to include a title on my first go...I'm such a re-re (Is that the correct spelling for re-re?)
Treading through the land mines here....
Well, I thought I would post. It has been a rough week, 2 funerals, a lot of driving, a lot of working, and not a lot of sleep.
However, my post is not one of bitching. Its actually a pretty happy one. I just thought I would post to tell you all that I'll be leaving on a jet plane Monday, en route to Ireland, then to Scotland. So, I will be on the other half of the planet for a little over a week. This means I've only got 2 days left of work and am off for 2 weeks! :)
I figured it was a good way to spend my spring break, rather than working my soul away at Pizza Hut. Plus, I won't be missing classes either. (However, I'd just say screw class)
definitely sorry about the general bitchiness that the blog has become, and I agree with Tim's post, we should all hang on to eachother, not just because of some posts that have been bitchy, but because we're all friends. That's just the way I see it.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and is doing better. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
I'm done for now.
You know that song, Rhinestone Cowboy? I am that cowboy. I am.
Wow. Interesting day here on the blog. I think the last....giant batch of posts all came in one afternoon, and probably outweighs the past week's worth of stuff. At the risk of dragging it out any further, I'm responding to Morgan's comment about not posting as much due to the general response to his comments.

Well, it would be bad to lose Morgan. And anyone, really. But Morgan especially at the moment because he has a different position from which to look at 85% of the stuff we bitch about on here. So although of course we will disagree (this I mean to apply to the conflicting posts of everyone, not just Morgan or anyone specifically) and likely invent not a few new forms of vulgarity...we should not let Morgan run away. Or anyone really. Criticism can be good, after all. I'm sure we'd all rather know what other people truly think about some of our actions, thoughts, etc. The alternative is to go all lobotomy-style and drool mashed potatoes.

At least all these posts gave everyone something to get excited about. Yeeeeeeha.
Tim, never ever look at this link. Ever. Seriously.
Warning: Not for Tims

I'm very glad I don't live in the Middle East. I mean, religious violence is one thing... But......

from Ernie's House of Whoopass [blog contains pr0n, but the abovementioned link is not xxx]
Lets just talk about something else...
Like Avril Lavigne. She's damn hot.
Everyone lighten up.

mel·o·dra·mat·ic adj.

1. Having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama: “a melodramatic account of two perilous days spent among the planters” (Frank O. Gatell).
2. Exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental; histrionic: “Accuse me, if you will, of melodramatic embroidery” (Erskine Childers).
3. Characterized by false pathos and sentiment.

Spring time for a boy and his dog
A horrible ("an horrible"?) thought occured to me today. I'll tell you about it in a minute.

Actually, no, I'll tell you now. I was going to try to say something profound, but I'm not good at profound.I wish I could be...
Or at least have some outstanding personality trait that makes the group work.
Like Tim's off-the-wall antics, or bil's angst interestingness or Morgan's wisdom or Karl's mysteriousness or Ryan's dynamic ability to make us all go ".....what?" or Wes' cleverness or Andy's loyalty or Nick's constant ranting or Amish's bad jokes or Meg' or...well, the list could go on, I think the gist has been gotten.
No, I'm not scrounging for compliments or sympathy-so you can stop rolling your eyes and grumbling at me, now.
I'm just pointing out that you each your little thing that makes you you. Sometimes your you-ness doesn't meld with others, but whatthefuck else was it that made ya'll be friends in the first place if it wasn't this?
Aha. Opposition from the ranks again. "But I'm not friends with..."
Yeah? But you're friends with their friends.And as a friend, you should be able to tolerate your friend's friends.
I think if I use the word "friend" one more time someone's going to lable me as some kind of flower-loving, peace-spreading fuck so I'll stop there.

And on to the horrible thought I had...

What if all road signs came true?
Think about it.
Horrible, isn't it?
Falling Rock
Icy Road
Slow Children X-ing
Deaf Children Crossing (they never heard it coming...)

I AM THE LORD OF FLIES! CREATOR OF DECAY! But you can call me Judy Pershing.
Yeah....I think all of the guys are menstrating in our group. I thought the blog was supposed to be like my old apartment, not a center for whiney bitches who are unhappy with their lives. Understandably, its better to bitch about things in life funnily than to bitch about things in life to get sympathy. So, could we like, talk about something normally again? I had a huge ass post before this trying to get people to work together, but Im afraid that will make us all hippies and thats what the world doesnt need anymore. I also want apologize for any "fuck off" comments ive made. I havent made any comments under other aliases in a long while. Blame others, not me. And any inuendo of stupid shit too I apologize.

Since everyone is bitching....I should as well. Im in the middle of 3 different drama shows now. Theres the Room 416, where one guy didnt do stuff over break and the room went to shit and hes fighting with his roomies, theres an unmentionable situation I wont go into details on, and then theres Jaime's situation where i cant do a damn thing but hear about the shit which is prolly made out worse than it is. And one of my teachers seriously looks like Cruella DeVille--boney face, black and white hair, super thin, super fashionable, and just as puppy-slaying evil apparently. SO EVERYBODY DANCE! OUR ANUSES ARE BLEEDING WITH PROBLEMS!!!

The Wall of Smut has resurfaced in my dorm now. But this one is a lot bigger due to more magazines to pilfer thru. My roomies came home last nite and about jizzed em. They revelled in its slender for about 5 minutes, then moved on. Today its going to get to be about 74 so Im goin to wear my flip flops and shorts.
Complaint Department
This is just a list of things that are pissing me off:

- People that will not accept that the Passion of the Christ is anti-Semitic. It is. No. Shut up.
- People that continue to sign the comments as other people. Yeah. Fuck you, Dave.
- Ryan. An all-around horrible, horrible person.
- Car maintenance. Fucking fluids and shit! Make a car that you don't need to take to people unless it crashes you asshelmets.
- Doing taxes. I get money back, but frankly I'd rather not have to file them even if it meant not getting any of it.
- The racist fucks at work. I hear someone tell me that we should just "nuke all them sand-niggers" one more fucking time, I might just pop a brain vein.
- Christian Conservatives. Kind of a given, I know. I can handle either/or. But the two together... Rrrgh.
- Dave's website design. It just sucks. Learn HTML, shitcock!
- Not going to sleep until 8am. *looks at clock* aw fuck!
- People that have a problem with me saying "fuck" a lot. Fuck you fuckers.
- Misogynist sexist fucks at work. I got to overhear two guys talking about their affairs during break today. ......goddammit.
- Ryan. I dunno, it just needs mentioned twice because he's such a jackass. I do apologize to everyone for letting him on the blog, but in my defense there's no way I could have known he'd be this bad.
- All you people that can't make links in your posts. It's not fucking rocket science!
- George W. Bush. You know, just like 70% of the rest of the world.
- Crowds of people. I can't hardly go to the grocery store in Chariton anymore without freaking out. There's too goddamn many of them.
- My loud neighbors. They all can eat shit and die. I want to sleeeeep.

I'm done channeling DavO for tonight. I'm going to go to sleep now.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Identity Crisis
Have any of you heard that song Rubber Band Man? Its one of the sweetest rap songs I've ever heard. It makes me wanna grab a 40 and a couple of ho's and pimp it up and down my block!

But...then again, so does Tom Petty.

Everyone I know seems to be going through the college-->working world transition and don't it just suck moth balls?!?!? The last thing some poor doped up college student needs is to have to find a job. Then you have guys like Morgan who JUST NEVER TRY! So he has to rely on guys like me who admire his sexy ass to help him out.

Then theres guys like Ryan who skipped out on the college scene all together. I somewhat envy those folk, because they know what they want just about as much as I do. And they probably have about as good a chance of getting a good job. Plus, they don't owe some smarmy university a whole assload of money.

I'm at the point now where even my old goals and aspirations are beggining to turn to ash and blow away in the breeze. How do we really know what we should do with our lives? Is what we want to do necessarily the correct thing to do? What amount of effort is worth getting a certain occupation that you're interested in? What amount of sacrifice?

It often seems to me that I'm not particularly excellent at anything. I may be a fair hand at many different things, but not adept at any one thing in particular. So should I just settle for any ol' job that pays enough to get me by?

As long as I've got good friends to drink my sorrows away with, I suppose I can be content.
My hair was cut by my grandmother. I'm told I got mega-brownie points for visiting her though maybe not quite so big of points as Wes for taking the GF by there. Oh and its the shortest its been in nearly seven years, something like this. (What you think I'd pick an unflattering photo?) The thing I'm most surprised at is I am generally satisfied with the haircut. Can't remember the last time I wasn't uncomfortable with the change.

I put in an application and ran through the interview process with Wells Fargo as proposed by Andy. If I get hired, if it sucks worse than Target, if the mood of Andy's posts about the job are truly accurate; then Andy had better be in Aspen or farther and gaining westward ground swiftly. As is interview was last Friday, before I went into work all night at Target for the three nights following. Wow feels like longer, supposedly I'll be informed of decision in a week and some change. First job interview where I had no real interest in yes/no, as long as they tell me something.

Sunday night I worked planogram at Target at the team leads request. This was a truly mind numbing sort of find product sort almost identical objects out by number and try to find where they go on empty shelves that supposedly are numbered. Conversely it has a range of light heartedness and ease that is lacked in all other areas. She asked if I'd like to join the team long term. This physically staggered me and I think the expression that must have crossed my face took her back a second. I babbled something about not wanting to remain at Target much longer but I'd much rather be in her team if I am to be overnight. She was going to look into it, I could really see some of the other overnight team leads throwing up roadblocks about losing manpower but they've not been utilizing me to the extent they could of. Other benefit of plano is they tend to work Sunday to Thursday so I might actually stop hating weekends.

Contemplating a trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm told if I don't go myself a relative might drag me that direction. A cousin up there has some contacts in realm of theatre that might be able to help me get a foot in the door.

Last thought of post. My overall overnight boss , well actually I guess I ran into store manager too, both I could almost sense a raise in their asteem of me based on the lack of hair. Sad how much appearance seems to play into perceptions that such a small change can lead to a readable difference in behaviors... and now I go away.
"All fatties into pool! It is full of Jello to eat!!" or "What Fucking Luck"
I watched that damn Matrix: Rectalfusion again to try to figure out what the hell i didnt get. You know, watch a movie a couple times it will make sence eventually. It worked for Fight Club and Donnie Darko, it should work for Revolutions? Plauseable...but... No. Remember in high school when you turned in a paper and the Nazi would hand it back with big sections circled in red pen asking to explain more of it? I think the Wackowski brothers skipped that part of script writing. Reloaded was a lot better cuz it kind of made sence, except for the rogue programs that werent really vampires or werewolves they just looked geeky, and the fight scenes were kickass. Revolutions just didnt cut it. Both of em didnt. Was there a 2nd Matrix? Was Neo jesus? Why did the kid give him a spoon? Where were the bathrooms?!?! Just bleh. I think they made the first movie for people like Wes and the 2nd & 3rd for people like Britt. But I do have to say the Agent Smith fights and Naomi's flying were good, but not enough to save the movie. Even the giant robot stuff I yawn at. So sad.....I could imagine 2&3 were just some sort of fucked up simile of how the Watchoutskis couldnt get girls in the style of Neon Genesis. Thatd be our fucking luck.

Other news: PENGUINS!!! Geocities unhorified and let me work on it! What fucking luck.

Other other news. Had Life Drawing's first day of class today. JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH! The class has a Denise clone and an uber geek that were making terribly botched Monty Python references and trying to be Cartman. But...BUT... we had a nude model for the first day of class. She looked a hellova lot like Tammie McDonald. It was like a fuckued up burger comic scene came alive at WRONG FUCKING TIME. Oh well. It was quite badass cuz i didnt expect to draw a live model on my first day of class. Thats some good fucking luck.

And otherly.....I got no sleep yesterday cuz i kept waking up to a recurring nightmare about me destroying my car either by driving over a bridge or things to that effect. It must have been a sign. I went to class and smashed my turn signals on a parking lot yellow stone obelisk thing. What fucking luck.