Well, I was sitting here wondering what exactly ebay meant by May 4th. There was contention between 12am midnight (and central vs. eastern time), or perhaps even 8am as the start of the business day. Well, I'm not sure which it was but the results are up and I didn't make the cut. I can't say I exactly had high hopes, but I had hoped... I don't think I'm going to vote on those that did make it, not sure I would be subjective as I feel sort of spiteful. Its not the other contestants fault, so I won't take it out on them. At least not directly, the bastards...
Its dissappointing to get turned down again, I can't help but feel that is a sign of things to come when I try to wrangle capital. My hopes were never particularly high here, but I thought I might get lucky somewhere. Turns out I'm not happyhappyjoyjoy enough for ebay and the college's CDO (Career Developement Office) has decided that my career is not worth developing. In that case though, I do dislike them. They told me, this is what we want last year. So I did it and got shit on, and they said, oh well you needed to do this too. So this year I did that too, and got more suggestions and did those too. And promptly the shit flowed forth. Fucking pricks. And I don't like that it makes me spiteful against the people that did get cash. One was explaining to me what they were doing (going to Africa to develop computer models that they will base insurance costs on, its evidently complicated due to high aids incedence), and I couldn't help but think well, what the fuck is so special about that(followed in that case by, oh yeah, thats great, deciding how much not particularly wealthy people should be made to scrounge up in order to afford a decent burial). FUCK. The last thing I need is to be more cinical.
Also still no news from GarageGames about when I'm supposed to come out. It seems almost like they could care less if I come or not. Maybe that is the case, but I hope not...
Looks like of the four classes I signed up for I'm getting dropped out of two already. I don't mind being dropped out of Philosophy of the Mind, as I thought I would probably drop it anyway. I am dissapointed about getting kicked from Craft of Fiction though. I was looking forward to that.
Right well, lets see. Good news...
Devins grandfather has recovered and went home this morning. So thats pretty awesome, it wasn't looking to good for a bit.
Big trash day in Grinnell is evidently soon, and a friend saw an old electronic keyboard and grabbed it and gave it to me. Its missing like 8 black keys, but otherwise works fine. I've promptly begun to begin trying to rewire it. Which is fun. I've figured out how to make it do drum pad/drum machine type stuff, and earlier I found a place where I can wire a switch to get permanent sustain. I'll continue to prod it. The Speak & Math and Speak & Spell have basic loop switches wired up (thats all so far) that manage to be pretty damn cool too.
I managed to write a 6 page paper today in about 2.25 hours (one of my last assignments). I had already done the research and typed up quotes to copy/paste in, which sped it up tremendously. Still kinda proud of my self for nailing it so quickly. If any of you folks feels like doing some proof reading about Renaissance vs. Reformation (the paper might be interesting in that its kinda anarchist), especially you English major types, let me know...
I saw a cool computer animated short today. If you have a couple minutes, its kinda amusing. Oscar nominated or something I think...
Rockfish via
The bookstore here has a bunch of books for 1/2 off. As a means of procrastination I browsed through them and came up with a couple interesting ones. Both about writing (I had thought they might help prepare for the Fiction class I'm no longer in). One is about the process of writing novels, and is written by the guy who wrote
First Blood (which became the Rambo movie). I guess he teaches college English too. Anyway it has served as interesting reading. If any of you other would be writer-types would like to get your paws on it, its certainly up for grabs when I'm done with it. The other book is supposed to be for teachers and is about how allowing students to write about violent stuff and or sexual stuff can be a good way for them to vent problems. So you should encourage them to be creative and vent, rather than suppressing them as some seem apt to do. That one is also up for grabs eventually... I have other good books too if people wanna borrow. I do it loan shark style though, broken bones and whatnot. Andy still deserves a beating like Henry David...
Thereuo (sic, don't feel like finding...) for his rather questionable treatment of one of my preacher trades.
Aikido practice was pretty nice yesterday. Though I'm rather sore today. A big part of Aikido is knowing how to fall properly, so normally you get low to the ground and do a roll to absorb impact. Well not this time, we practiced high falls, which is to say you try to figure out how to absorb shock when falling more or less straight on your back from 2-3 feet in the air. It seems that even if done properly its apt to sting a bit, and doing for the first time my attempts were some what less than proper and resulting in somewhat more than a slight sting. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing (have to start somewhere), I'm just sore now. I am glad that I had a chance to be exposed to it though, gives me another technique to work on...
Otherwise, almost done with non-studying for finals work. Finals are next week, and I should be free after two weeks from today (May17 is graduation and Devin's birthday) until I go out to Oregon(which is still up in the air)...
Matrix Online, the MMORPG is open for beta testing signups. I did, out of curiousity. Can't help but wish I would have caught the worlds of warcraft beta, really curious about that one...
You can sign up too... via
Office Space based anti-porn Strange. Oddly humorous...
Well thats probably my longest post ever. Don't know that I've ever really had to scroll around in the editor to see it (that might not be saying much usually, but my moniter is rather large, which makes the edit box HUGE). And though I might be able to think of other stuff to mention I think I'll just leave it at that for now...
P.S. Congrats if you actually made it this far without skipping stuff. Its commendable, theres a lot of unimportant shit in there...